Food Theory did an episode that covers exactly this.
TL:DW McDonalds owns the land and the franchise owner pays rent.
Food Theory did an episode that covers exactly this.
TL:DW McDonalds owns the land and the franchise owner pays rent.
I wish I could fail upwards like that.
I’d love to get an EV. I rarely use my current car since I started working remote full time during the COVID shutdown. My wife and I have already discussed going down to one car between the two of us and that seems plausible. I have a motorcycle which helps.
Every time I even glance at an EV the large price tag is unjustifiable especially since I have no car payment. Something cheap, reliable, and can fit sports equipment with moderate range would be plenty.
I haven’t been on Reddit since Apollo went dark. I’m done with it except for a couple specific communities until similar ones are available here.
Looks like a barrel plug. These are very common and finding s as replacement should be easy. On the underside of the lamp there will be writing that says what the electricity requirements are. e.g. 12V—-400mA Look up a replacement using those numbers.