KDE has to be one of the greatest shining beacons of FOSS!
KDE has to be one of the greatest shining beacons of FOSS!
The funniest thing is executives getting arrested.
“I swear, I didn’t have a choice! I had to sacrifice 10 followers to the eldritch gods from beyond the stars! I needed gold!”
Robocop was a great game! It ran like shite on my ““minimum specs”” PC, but I still had a load of fun. Despite it being part of the oversaturated FPS genre, it is unique in its own way.
IPv6 has a total of 3.4E+38 addresses, and the entire surface area of the earth is 5.1E+14m². If we divide those two, then we find that you can have 6.7E+23 addresses for every square meter of your Saharan desert or Pacific Ocean smart roads. If civilization doesn’t collapse due to nuclear wars or climate catastrophes and we actually do make it to the stars, I doubt that we would still be using the centuries-old and deprecated internet protocol.
IPv4, in contrast, has 4.5 billion addresses, and there are currently 8 billion humans on Earth. While not every of them lives in the parts of the world with internet, that number will most likely soon shrink to nearly nothing. When everyone and their dog has a smartphone, laptop, desktop, console, smart TV et cetera, that 4.5 billion doesn’t seem nearly as big as it first once seemed to be.
This isn’t a Y2K-scale problem that will summon armageddon if we don’t solve it immediately, but our current solutions to the overflowing IPv4 addresses are well-polished hacks at best. IPv6 will ensure end-to-end connectivity for many years to come.
My siblings use this PC as well, and they like to play the same games on Windows. I found this to be the perfect compromise, as we don’t have to use extra disk space on duplicate games.
IPv6 is also eventually going to hit exhaustion
Top-tier trolling right here.
And 100 cheese wheels heal you for 1000 health! Checkmate, enemies!
single-player and offline
The issue is, is that it won’t be. Multiplayer is the last item in the roadmap before 1.0
Daily Heil*
I really couldn’t be bothered to do that, unless I could do all of them at once. I really did try to look for a solution, but I only have so much time in the day, and faffing about with Steam game icons just isn’t it for me.
I would, but Steam on Fedora doesn’t seem to like to do that with existing games on an NTFS partition. If I could have done it, I wouldn’t be posting such a shoddy portion of my desktop.
I bought it on day 2 of early access, and it was an absolute mess then. Inconsistent performance on Windows AND Linux, hilarious bugs and barely any features to make the game feel worth playing for more than an hour at a time.
Fast forward a year later, they finally release the For Science! (sic) update. I could barely notice any bugs (especially mission-ending bugs, like certain landing legs enabling fuel crossfeed through decouplers???), the performance was at an acceptable level for my specs and there were actual game elements to make me want to come back! Re-entry heating was also finally added.
I haven’t actually played it recently, as I wanted to clear my growing Steam backlog, but it only seems to have gotten better since. I read the patch notes for and, and they claim that they remedied orbital decay and sinking into the ground with time warp. I’m eager to see the colony update, as that would bring a huge and actually new feature into KSP2.
I think that a few criticisms of the game are a bit overblown. But I recently found out that the game was announced to release in 2020, and now I see the reasoning behind some of the reactions. I was also worried when Take Two was shuttering Intercept Games, but from what I’ve gathered, the devs went back to Private Division, where most of them came from anyways. I think that was also released after the restructuring, but I could be wrong.
I see why some people despise it, but I think that the development is going a lot better than some people claimed it would when it launched into early access. For Science! releasing is already proof of that. I do realise that 1.0 is still years away, but when it’ll arrive, it’ll all be worth the hassle. I might not recommend you to buy it unless you know exactly what you’re getting, but it’s not like I didn’t have fun with it. I wouldn’t say that I got my €50 out of it, but I expect the final game plus DLC (the third star system) to be at least €100.
Glad I could help! I only found out how to solve it today. Funny that I could use the knowledge immediately too.
I had the same issue, I went to Session settings and disabled session saving. I can’t remember the exact names of them but I think that you’ll find it.
NSFW plz
I do agree that some of the complaints were rather overdone, such as his headset. But the giant gaming candle with its own assistant warrants the general disgust.