Infrastructure Week lasted four years and was always two weeks away. This term is apparently Executive Order Day, every day that ends in a “why”.
Infrastructure Week lasted four years and was always two weeks away. This term is apparently Executive Order Day, every day that ends in a “why”.
Grating might also be for protection from things like nesting birds. I prefer this over the obvious fake but pretending to be a tree versions.
I have no problem with the second one. If a customer asks you something and you can’t help them, you don’t just dismiss them. You might try to find the answer yourself, or find someone else who could help (the opposite of “not my department”). In the end you may not be albe to help them, but you should make an effort as an employee. Like you said, it’s the basis of good customer service, something that I don’t think is taught very much anymore (for reasons that delve into capitalism and other problems).
Third and fourth can go to hell.
Until the house fully burns down. Denial is a hard drug.
They wanted people who would give the best PR answer, maybe even only the ones who would answer what the CEO had answered. They didn’t want realists, and it’s probably a dodged bullet.
The Bobs were finding actual waste and fraud, as well as people who deserved better positions. If anything Musk and friends are acting out the scene with the printer in the field, except the printer was functional.
The political version. He’s been using the same tactic in business long before that.
Anytime someone pulls that phrase on me, I look and them and slowly say, “You’re right. It definitely is, what it is.” Then they have the look of realization on how much of a filler thing that is to say.
A variation is, “It certainly isn’t what it isn’t”.
I vaguely remember a Republican putting forth an effort to improve the environment. Even created a department to oversee such tasks.
“Uh, yeah, that’s what I meant, sir. Sorry.” - Vice President of the so far still United States
I mean it’s one egg, Michael. What could it cost? $10?..oh, yeah, they’re $10.
Not only isn’t the Sun really a dwarf compared to many smaller stars, it’s also not yellow. These are just holdovers from early astronomy where things were classified before a lot of knowledge wasn’t known. Which is also the case with Pluto.
I don’t like the idea of actually requiring a clearing out of the orbit. Is this not including Trojan areas, because there will always be stuff there for any planet.
The phrase “clearing the neignborhood” doesn’t mean the orbit is clear, it means the planet in question has gravitational dominance over anything in its orbit, so larger bodies are either captures as moons or removed via gravitational slingshot. This allows wanderers and other captured bodies.
The same astronomer (Margot) has remarked that gravitational dominance was clearer language, and it’s interesting that I’ve found in many reputable sources like NASA where they’ve dumbed down this third rule to just clearing the orbit, which is NOT correct as I mentioned above.
As for anyone who ever pulls the “I think Pluto is a planet”…it is a planet, as a subclass with restrictions.
And now for the segue into a shower thought - so the first thing night side would notice is the Moon disappearing (if it’s in the night sky), but after that, how long before effects begin to suggest something is seriously wrong on the day side. Something tells me it will be sooner than the morning.
The danger in overtightening is that you ruin the seal. So maybe not quite as bad as loose, but an oil leak is still a problem. Much like anything with a crush washer, you want to get it snug, then tighten enough to squish it, but not so much that you ruin the very thing that keeps it intact.
Speaker of the House might have more power for her.
At least we’ll have some time before the whole liberty dying with applause…oh shit, we’re doing a speed run!
Alternative facts try to spin the truth. I made an error. The intent of the original post still stands, the title is both old and the usual exaggerated, as most stock news is. The current headlines are using the word “recover”, as if to highlight that things went terribly south. It’s all a damn game.
A Latin phrase comes to mind…ah, but it was decided that while illegal, it was okay to do that. See, he did learn a lesson.
Most of society suffers from bystander effect, expecting someone else to jump in and do something. They’ll help and act once given direction or pushed too far, but won’t do anything on their own before things get bad.