That theme is awesome! Another step, making Plasma look friendly, modern and useful. It is very similar to macOS but without the weird choices, and not as extreme and bloated as Windows11, keeping efficiency.
With this, Qt Apps look great! GTK & Libadwaita wastes a ton of space (GIMP 3 looks difficult already), and Qt can show how it is simply a way more practical toolkit here!
Thank you for this work, it is great!
Can you tell us what happens on the “sandbox all the things” goal?
I think this is a pretty crucial step forward, even though #sandbox technologies (most often through user namespaces) are more problematic than I initially thought.
(Basically, user #namespaces open up #privesc dangers to the monolithic #kernel, which is incredible. #Android and #ChromeOS use #LXC, mounts and #SELinux for #sandboxing)