Definitely give Wipeout 2048 a try. It’s easily the best in the series imo and really feels like a proper evolution of F-Zero GX. It’s a shame it was never ported to consoles because it would look amazing on a big screen in HD.
Definitely give Wipeout 2048 a try. It’s easily the best in the series imo and really feels like a proper evolution of F-Zero GX. It’s a shame it was never ported to consoles because it would look amazing on a big screen in HD.
Throckmorton. Saw it in an example problem in my highschool physics textbook and I still think about it
I think I remember that. Wasn’t there a table involved?
I live in the Phoenix area and holy shit the amount of injury lawyer billboards are insane. It’s like every couple hundred feet along the I-10 is an ad for some accident attorney, more often than not multiple ads for the same guy. I see Rafi’s face literally everywhere I go
The Zenfone line is your best bet for a compact phone today. I switched from the LG V60 to the Zenfone 10 when it came out and it’s no contest. I loved my V60 but its laughably massive to me now
I like my music shreddy and busy. Although, my top songs wouldn’t really reflect that
Neat, I can vote against her a second time
This is the way. Still have my AGS-101 SP stock besides new shell and buttons because, frankly, it doesn’t need to be modded. But my GBA has an IPS screen, rechargeable usb-c battery, and hi-fi amp. Slap in a flash cart and it is easily one of the best ways to play any Gameboy game anywhere you want
Zenfone 10. Firefox
They’re all over commenting, posting, and such. I’m one of them, though I mostly lurk. There’s plenty of developed/developing communities here on lemmy
Love me some Bioshock. I was in the middle of a replay of Bioshock 2 when Armored Core 6 came out and got sucked into that. Will definitely go back and finish it after I beat AC6
Get gud kid
This is exactly my reason too. For me, Sync was easily the best user experience for browsing reddit. No sync for reddit? Well then no reddit for me I guess
You just blew my mind I had no idea. I need this now