Loved that show. Wish I could find the old episodes.
Loved that show. Wish I could find the old episodes.
Isn’t the whole problem that, since nobody openly talks about providers, nobody knows who the originals are? Of course, everyone can claim to be the guy at the top, but who knows?
Liftoff is dead, I believe.
Using previously disabled IFVs, is my guess. Otherwise, yes, a net negative.
Oh, nooow I see why people just say it was god.
By most accounts, the next man up will be worse, and that’s really saying something.
Creep was possibly the only movie to move the dial.
Hope he knows he’s going to be involuntarily separated.
The weird thing about the war, at least in my little American bubble is that despite the “overwhelming feeling the west has to capitulate eastern Ukraine” or any of it is… Most people I talk to barely know there’s a war going on over there. They certainly don’t understand why. The war fatigue everyone keeps claiming does not apply. I’m starting to believe it’s manufactured. Certainly, the politicians are fighting, because the Reps don’t want the Dems to look like they defeated Russia. That would put them right back in office. Maybe things are different in Europe, but if I stay off the internet, there are no signs of what the media keeps talking about. Occasionally, I see a Ukrainian flag in a window, but I’d wager half the people who see that flag have no idea what country it is.
We could all stop pointing fingers and give Ukraine what it needs.
Discovered Emancipator a couple of years ago. So good!
What little civilian opposition we’ve seen almost never revolves around the invasion of Ukraine, itself, instead focusing on better supplies and conditions for their troops. The further right you go, the more they call for more soldiers to take all of Ukraine, obviously.
I don’t have a PW, but I’m looking at them. Does Airplane Mode stop you from using any tools, or is it smooth sailing?
Putting on spotify and getting a Playlist so I don’t mess with my phone when I start driving. Possibly GPSing.
Pulse, for the sweet 90s dance.
I mean… It’s not that crazy. There’s a whole political party in the US that spouts pro Russia stuff on social media all day, and they don’t even require payment.
OK, but do they have something for my broken vacuum?
Late 30s. Hell yes I drink the milk. That’s the whole reason I ate the cereal.