The dems aren’t Marxists. They’re bourgeois liberals and have always been such.
The dems aren’t Marxists. They’re bourgeois liberals and have always been such.
“That was cool”
Been looking for one too, but can’t even find cam recordings. Ne Zha 1 is available though, so the sequel will probably be seeded as well once its released on their streaming platforms.
And how much of the Soviet Union did you actually experience?
Being born in the USSR means nothing if it was dissolved the next day and your only material experience is of post-soviet Russia undergoing shock-therapy.
The vast majority of that “debt”, you claim she had, was only acquired after it’s dissolusion when it was forced to take on excessive IMF loans to pay for necessities that it used to produce self-sustainably, but was now restricted by arbitrary borders after being carved up.
An american pickup truck would physically not fit on the street I live on. This place was designed for horse carts, not monster trucks.
That’ll work too, along with any USB webcam
Raspberry pi and motioneyeOS. Getting to a state where you have a live view of the camera shouldn’t take more than an hour.
The problem I have with UBI is say I get a hundred bucks a week from it, there’s not a single thing stopping my landlord, or my utility companies, or local supermarkets, or anyone in this godforsaken system from just raising their prices to siphon it all away.
We don’t need universal income, we need universal services. Garaunteed housing, food, public transport, healthcare, everything needed to sustain atleast a basic standard of living so we’re not constantly in fear of whether the last month of 70 hour work weeks is going to be enough to keep of the streets and keep food on the table.
Ain’t that some Canadian bacon
If you’re tech-savvy, or willing to learn, A nextcloud instance would be my goto
If this is what’s scaring you about the death of liberty, then boy do I have a dumptruck full of passed acts and legislation that dwarfs this in comparison. Liberty died a long time ago.
First OS, WinXP.
Later when win7 was discontinued, I kept windows 10 on my desktop and Ubuntu on my laptop. It wasnt until Valve started working on proton and most of the games I play became playable on Linux that I ditched windows entirely.
I distrohopped around for a while, but always found myself landing back on Ubuntu, so it’s what I’ve stuck with to this day, although if anyone else asks me what distro they should get, I will usually recommend mint.
Sir Kier is expected to make a pledge
…and keep it?
Oh, but they did.
It just doesn’t resemble the bourgeois ‘democracy’ we have in the west, but rather something else entirely that better fits the 'for the people, by the people, of the people" definition of democracy.
I’m willing to bet that some techbro either already has, or will in the near future propose an Ai toilet that will do something exactly this.
His “pledges” are just a list of things he won’t be doing.
You can get Google play working by sideloading it with adb, and enabling graphene’s microG service in the apps menu.
Any further apps installed with Google play, and Google itself, will still be under the default restrictions imposed by graphene, instead of having full access like with stock android.
It can be a little clunky starting out, but once you get used to it, the only major downside I could find was that I couldn’t verify my bank details to enable nfc payments, because Google hasn’t whitelisted Graphene in their API for “security reasons”
I’ve been loving Andy Weir’s space trilogy (The Martian, Artemis, Project Hail Mary). I haven’t been able to put his books down, and another one of his stories is currently in production for a film.
Darwin awards nominee