I empathize where you likely are emotionally. You refer to her as your GF even though she is currently your ex is telling.
Would first recommend addressing the fact that your ex hooked up with another person while you guys were broken up first with yourself and then with your ex. That ongoing/underlying resentment between individuals is a relationship killer if you guys end up getting back together without addressing this in a healthy communicative way and putting it in the rear view mirror.
Then honestly address why this happened in the first place. Were you not picking up on her reservations or fears about spending the rest of her life with you and/or being on a farm? Did you guys not have an open and communicative relationship or a safe emotional environment (i.e. trust) to make sure the physical and mental needs were being met for both of you guys?
This doesn’t have to be the end a 7 year relationship and could be a start of a new chapter and deeper emotional bond for both of you together. The fact that it takes guts and vulnerability to post something like this to the internet out of all things shows you have the potential to become a better and stronger human being and dare I say wiser even if you guys choose to not to continue life’s journey together.
Best of luck to both of you.
PS, I highly recommend watching Brené Brown’s Ted Talk on vulnerability.
The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown
The message is universal for many aspects of social and emotional growth IMO.
Chappelle’s Show - Black Bush (ft. Jamie Foxx)