I agree. 5 in is The Sweet spot
I agree. 5 in is The Sweet spot
A big bright screen uses more battery. They could make the phone slightly thicker to accommodate a bigger battery.
AMD was giving steam game codes away with purchases of their Graphics cards all last summer.
If it weren’t for the dev tools in Chrome, I never would have switched in the first place. But they got me stuck on it. But I’ve had enough of their shenanigans.
Reformat it and upgrade the RAM and it did pretty good.
A broken clock is right once a day.
Yet again, this is not a meme. This is an idealogical pamphlet. I don’t even disagree with the message. But it’s not a meme.
At least they burn through far less brake pads. But it is a very correct assessment of tire usage.
Clearly you must have all the details about where I worked and applied already. What an amazing ability!
I see you deal in absolutes. The person wanted a fluent German speaker despite being an English first company. Put it together in your head.
I’m sure they were a great way to launder money at the time.
Yet it is still bringing out all the bots and trolls.
I (a US citizen) literally didn’t get a job in Germany because one member on the team objected because I didn’t speak German yet. The company is “English first” and I worked in the US division previously. So yeah, Europeans are certainly as capable of being racist. And they didn’t even try to hide it!
A corpse puppet is still a puppet after all.
I moved during the pandemic when we were all remote. But let’s pretend I went back to the office near where I used to live.
I would expect it to be an inviting, colorful environment. Put effort into decorating . Give me an office with windows, and a door. Not a gray cube and off-white walls that feels like I’m going to die in it. Other incentives like a guaranteed parking spot would be fantastic. Maybe provide lunch. I think Google at least used to provide a great office environment.
I would also want more money because transportation is very expensive now. And it takes time. That’s less time with my kids and to handle chores properly. Often cost saving chores.
Green came out in Japan instead of the original Blue in the West.