Every time I see a picture of her, my brain immediately says: “howler monkey.”
Every time I see a picture of her, my brain immediately says: “howler monkey.”
Hardee’s fried-and-coated-in-cinnamon-and-sugar apple pies.
80’s-90’s McDonald’s apple danish
A duck? Very small rocks?
“destroyed” might be a strong word there. That thing looked more like it was plopped in a park as a history piece (like we do with old WW2 tanks at AmVets lodges) than an active piece of hardware. Still, good to see the facade cracking.
My wife and I recently had a child. We came home the other day to a book in the mail; “The Little Engine That Could”. It was sent by a foundation that Dolly either started or contributes heavily to. She chose that book as the introductory book because it reminds her of the struggles her father endured and overcame learning to read. Fuck whoever dispareges Dolly Parton in the neck with a rusty screwdriver.
Is there any eli5 guides to things like f-Droid or the other platforms(?) (it used to be called ‘rooting’, don’t know what it is now) to be able to install LibreTube? Following the faq link from github, I see 3 download options, one I recognize as f-Droid, and 2 others.
I realize this should be “android 101”, but my ability to problem solve stuff like this is slipping away from me. (protect your brain, kids!).
A mash-up of the (overdone) “loss” meme and the Long Term Nuclear Waste Warning Messaging
And yet the Foo fighters and specifically Dave do benefit concerts raising millions and actually cook and feed disadvantaged people by the thousands. They also do (at last I knew) an annual multi-day trolling of the westboro Baptist church compound, which is a great thing imho.
Now, what is the measure of a man? Is it a sliding scale? Is it just the sums? Sure, that house framer has smaller sins, but does he have a smaller positive impact? Does it matter?
As I said in my last sentence, we’re all just arguing degrees.
And who is what at that mid-level grouping on the left vertical? I could guess at the colors, but I’ve come up with 9 different possibilities. It’d be nice to be able to tell which is leveling off and which is accelerating.
Votemaster and Zenger at electoralvote.com have a decent site. They take a ‘model of models’ approach and while their editorials are decidedly liberal, they put math and statistical analysis at the forefront and show their work.
I’m talking about the point of the article and you know it. Which is why I have you noted as “Bad Faith”
Look, I despise Amazon and Jeff bezos. I avoid Amazon and work hard to find products from retailers that aren’t Amazon storefronts. But at some point, unless you’re self-employed and completely self-sustaining, you’re 1) whoring yourself out to somebody, and 2) sucking the knob of capitalism somewhere.
All we’re left to argue is matter of degrees.
So we’re just skipping the part about the execs treating themselves to a concert after many years of union busting, horrid working conditions, innumerable other abuses, and excluding the workers. But we’re going to shit on the people they hired for a gig.
First good news I’ve seen since the election!