• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • thanks! this post made me try out thunder, and I have to say it’s my favorite so far! sync is way too flashy, the standard font is way too small, the condensed feed view options (smaller cards, list, compact) are virtually all the same shitty list view, and it’s too floaty and zoomy.

    thunder on the other hand gets all the little, but super-important things just right; how one-finger zooming of pictures is so smooth, how the download button is in a logical spot and is responsive to show the succeeded download; how the preview in the feed is just the right size; how collapsing comment chains is smooth and not disorienting. great app, thanks for the recommendation!

    oh and I couldn’t care less if an app is open source, closed source, pay-to-use or not, as long as the UI is good. I’d just block ads anyway, or try to find a ripped version (revanced etc) – but having an app that’s not reporting home is of course even better!

  • Quetzacoatl@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich💧iel
    2 years ago

    Was? Vögel und generell Naturmotive wären super, wir haben genug schöne Natur hier auf diean stolz sein kann! Also ich persönlich bin immer neidisch auf lateinamerikanische Länder und ihre coolen Naturmotive. Außerdem würden sich damit endlich schöne Spitznamen für einzelne Scheine etablieren (“He, hast du eine Taube für mich?” - “Das Fahrrad kostet ungelogen 3 Eulen!”), absolut notwendig!

    Flüsse oder Bauten in schönen Landschaften wären aber auch ok, Kulturwerke auch aber ein bisschen ausgelutscht (jaja Dampfmaschine, jaja Beethoven, hören wir endlich auf uns einen darauf runterzuholen), der Rest (Silhouetten…) wäre mir zu abstrakt, da kann man gleich lustige geometrische Muster nehmen.

  • Quetzacoatl@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich💧iel
    2 years ago

    Haha ein guter Jokus. Danke auch dass du mich damit an die Umfrage erinnert hast! Ich hoffe stark ihr habt alle schön die Vögel, Flüsse und Werte/Naturlandschaften raufgewählt, die sind mit Abstand das beste! Kulturwerke und Hände wären auch ok.

  • Quetzacoatl@feddit.detoPrivacy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    EU policy is so hit and miss because the EU Parliament mostly has our backs, and is introducing good legislation protecting consumers of corpo overreach (like the roaming directive). The EU Commission on the other hand has only the interest of the EU countries’ governments in mind, which makes many of its proposals rather shitty of the common citizen. Also tells you a lot about what the actual national governments stand for, when somebody else is doing more for the citizens than they are.

  • I thought about this comment, and realized that somehow, I just don’t care so much about what happens to Reddit anymore. Instead of worrying about what I left behind, I’m looking forward to what’s ahead of us.

    I think it’s because even before the whole 3d-party-app drama, there already was this undefined feeling that Reddit’s best days are behind it. Maybe it’s the effect of ad money and monetization, or it’s the inevitable trend towards low quality content that comes with mass adoption, probably it’s both.

    Whatever the cause, in most subreddits, the old Facebook-style rot had already set in. Once-cool subs now being an endless barrage of tired memes, bots farming karma, and people being assholes. The things I joined for years ago, the engaging discussion, random encounters with amazing experts, the cutting-edge internet anarchy, it’s all already long gone.

    When I opened the app (Baconreader in my case), I only did it out of habit, to then spendy time scrolling through an endless list of things that made me slightly go “heh”.

    So, maybe most people will stay on Reddit for now, and probably I will have to leave behind certain communities instead of finding direct replacements. But I see that as a good thing. As long as even just 2% of Reddit’s users make it here, I’m excited it will grow into something much better than what I left behind.

  • I thought about this comment, and realized that somehow, I just don’t care so much anymore. Instead of worrying about what I left behind, I’m looking forward to what’s ahead of us.

    I think it’s because even before the whole 3d-party-app drama, there already was this undefined feeling that Reddit’s best days are behind it. Maybe it’s the effect of ad money and monetization, or it’s the inevitable trend towards low quality content that comes with mass adoption, probably it’s both.

    Whatever the cause, in most subreddits, the old Facebook-style rot had already set in. Once-cool subs now being an endless barrage of tired memes, bots farming karma, and people being assholes. The things I joined for years ago, the engaging discussion, random encounters with amazing experts, the cutting-edge internet anarchy, it’s all already long gone.

    When I opened the app (Baconreader in my case), I only did it out of habit, to then spendy time scrolling through an endless list of things that made me slightly go “heh”.

    So, maybe most people will stay on Reddit for now, and probably I will have to leave behind certain communities instead of finding direct replacements. But I see that as a good thing. As long as even just 2% of Reddit’s users make it here, I’m excited it will grow into something much better than what I left behind.

  • Nein, nein, nein. So einfach ist es nicht. Vorsicht, ganz kantige Gegenmeinung: Davon würde nichts besser werden.

    Die katholische Kirche wurde in einem jahrhundertelangen Kampf gezähmt und zu dem gemacht was sie heute ist: geordnet, apolitisch, großteils auf Brauchtumspflege und Verwaltung konzentriert. Schaffst du das ab, schaffst damit ja nicht das Bedürfnis der Menschen nach Spiritualität ab. Du generierst damit ein Machtvakuum, das durch noch viel viel schlimmere Dinge gefüllt werden würde. Die Freikirchen in Amerika, aber auch weniger dogmatisch aufgebaute Religionen wie zB Buddhismus in Asien sind ein gutes Beispiel, wo die Reise dann hingeht: unkontrollierbare Splittergruppen und Sektenbildung, mit monetärem und politischem Anspruch, und, Überraschung – genauso vielen Missbrauchsfällen!!

    Missbrauchsfälle sind ja nichts inhärent katholisches. Diese Fälle gibt es in allen Vereinigungen mit autoritären Strukturen, die katholische Kirche ist halt ein sehr großer, deshalb hört man dort so viel davon. Aber nicht nur deshalb: Dieser spezielle Fokus ist auch ganz zielgerichtete innerkirchliche Propaganda, Freikirchen gegen Katholizismus, der aus den USA zu uns rüberschwappt. Das heißt wohlgemerkt nicht, dass es diese Fälle nicht gibt, dass alles OK ist und nichts gemacht gehört. Aber zB im Spitzensport ist es mindestens genauso schlimm, trotzdem spricht dort auch niemand davon den ersatzlos abzuschaffen.

    Aufklärung und Aufarbeitung, und das Aufbrechen der autoritären Strukturen sind bessere Wege. Ansonsten hat man das ganze unter anderem Vorzeichen wieder, nur dass der nette Prediger dann nicht “nur” Kinder missbraucht, sondern nebenbei noch einen Privatjet fliegt und sich zum Präsidenten wählen lassen will.

    Ich sags in aller Deutlichkeit: Wenn es ihn einmal wirklich nicht mehr gibt, werden wir uns noch alle den guten, alten langweilig-staubigen Katholizismus zurückwünschen.

  • First of all, it has one big difference: What types of communities you see when you browse the “Local” communities (on most apps or web UIs it’s gonna be a setting at the top). “Local” shows you threads posted in communities that are on your instance; “All” shows you the whole network, similar to /r/all on reddit; and “Subscribed” shows you only the communities you’re interested in, similar to the main page on reddit. It makes sense to switch this setting to All for the time being, and to see what’s going on everywhere else and which communities develop; to Local when you get confused, e.g. with lots of posts in languages you don’t speak or lots of duplicate posts; and to Subscribed once things have settled down and once you have found your communities that you’re interested in (and other stuff that you’re not interested in becomes more and more on the All feed).

    There’s some eceptions when the “linked instances” structure does make a difference:

    • during heavy development (like in the early stages right now), federation might break here and there (for example right now between some servers using on older version of the Lemmy backend and those that already updated). also, there’s probably gonna be multiple similar communities on various instances (nearly every instance has a “main” community and a “Lemmy discussion/reddit bashing” community). this will all settle down with time, federation in general will be more stable, and “main” communities will develop, with smaller alternative ones spread around that can take over if the main one is taken offline.
    • when instances decide to “defederate” from each other. this is a conscious decision by the admins (standard setting is to share everything with everybody else, but specific instances can be added to a blocklist). this means their content doesn’t show up on your instance, and users from those instances can’t interact with one another anymore. this happens at the moment with lots of NSFW instances and the more tame ones, but once moderation tools are improved, it will settle as well.

    Quick tips: Don’t be too stressed about “missing” content on other instances, right now it’s still early days and a bit chaotic. And do consider making multiple accounts on other instances, and checking out what’s different. the apps that are being developed right now make switching between multiple accounts easy, and one day will hopefully bring bookmarks and comments across multiple accounts together as well. Shop around for different instances and apps and see what’s out there, read people’s recommendations, try and find instance and community lists. And in general, don’t see your current account as the only way you’ll interact with the Lemmy network (just as alt accounts were a thing on Reddit), and don’t expect the network to serve you everything on a golden platter, you’ll have to do some hunting around for the cool things, a bit like in the internet days before Web 2.0 happened – but that’s half the fun!