Yea, im a dumbfuck who needs to get gooder at reading.
On with the revolution through violence
Yea, im a dumbfuck who needs to get gooder at reading.
Israeli war room right now doing a powerpoint presentation on all the schools, orphanages, and hospitals in Tehran trying to pick their target.
I’m more suspicions of western ‘leftists’ trying to police how we behave and act. There are countless celebrations right now in the streets of Tehran, Baghdad, Gaza, the West Bank, etc. Take your ‘suspicions’ and shove it.
Edit: Sorry comrade, I misread your post and totally skipped over the not.
Israel could have averted this retaliation had they stopped their genocide in Gaza, Iran gave them that option.
This clearly proves the zionist regime cares more about murdering innocent Palestinians than it does the safety of their own citizens.
Yea, us Iranians are strong, we have not lost a war and many are celebrating in the streets right now. We fully stand behind our government retaliating after years of wanton attacks on our scientists and leaders. Fuck Israel, fuck the west.
Convenient goldfish memory.
Never been more proud to be Iranian!
Yes he should have…
but only after circumnavigating the globe and killing all the nazis in between.
Yea, I get you, Ive just never really heard of Myra Hindly except for the Crass song so when I saw her name drop I had to post the lyrics lol. Im all for these people getting the wall, Crass were radlibs but good music none the less.
No they shouldn’t
They should hand him over to the families to kill him.
THE child killer here would’ve been Myra Hindley
She’s the anti-mother, mommy is that you?
She’s the anti-mother, mother, mother is that you?
It’s Myra Hindley on the cover,
Your very own sweet anti-mother.
There she is on the pages of The Star,
Ain’t that just the place you wish you were?
Let her rot in hell is what you said,
Let her rot, let her starve, you’d see her dead.
Let her out but don’t forget to tell you where she is,
The chance to screw her is a chance you wouldn’t miss.
Let her suffer, give her pain is the verdict you gave,
You just can’t wait to piss on her grave.
You pretend that you’re horrified, make out that you care,
But really you wish that you had been there.
You say you can’t bear the thought of what she did,
But you’d do it to her, you’d see her dead.
Tell me, what is the difference between her and you?
You say that you would kill her, well, what else would you do?
Don’t you see that violence has no end? Isn’t limited by rules?
Don’t you see as angels preaching you’re nothing but the fools?
Fools step in, where angels fear to tread,
You see, to kill others is the ethic of the dead.
She’s the anti-mother, mommy is that you?
She’s the anti-mother, mother, mother is that you?
That single mug shot from the past
Ensures your fantasy can last and last.
It gives you the chance to air your hate
Because she got there first, you were too late.
Hindleys’ crime was to do what others think,
Took her anger and her prejudice and pushed it to the brink.
Then you goodly christian people, with your sickly mask of love,
Would tear that woman limb from limb, you’d never get enough.
So you keep the story alive,
So you can make yourselves believe,
That you are so much better than her.
But you aren’t, that’s YOUR GUILT laying there.
She’s the anti-mother, mommy is that you?
She’s the anti-mother, mother, mother is that you?
She’s the anti-mother, mommy is that you?
She’s the anti-mother, mother, mother is that you?
Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother?
too late
Is there anything they won’t steal?
Germany will never stop letting Palestinians pay for the crime of Germanys holocaust
Is this the first time BDS has ever worked? Good win none the less!
I need a link so I can dunk on him
in the US they are bougie as shit and the cheapest are usually $17 with the average around $25. And they are usually much shittier than any you’ll find in Italy.
Palestine and Palestiner.
Two Palestinian states might be a little too much, but sure?
I simply don’t smell bad, this is a white person issue. Discuss amongst yourselves.
zionists dont have full control of TikTok like they do Meta and Twitter apps, and that just won’t stand.