Good one.
Good one.
This all probably sounds nuts, but here are my oil systems:
I wash out and recycle glass jars, but peanut butter jars are difficult to clean and will end up getting fat into the water system. So I keep the peanut butter jars for oil.
I also keep a bendy, steel decorating pallet in the kitchen for scraping out fat from the grill tray and rack. You’re left with some fat that you can wipe off with kitchen paper, which you can also use to wipe the pallet knife. Then washing up liquid and a splash of boiling water from the kettle.
There can be quite a lot of oil in leftover food, like sauces, too. I use a silicone spatula to scoop it off before washing.
Yes, but not just your own pipes:
Thank you. I think the decades-old chemistry-class flashback distracted me from thoroughly absorbing the full post!
Good idea, but apparently not possible: According to Sky News “Mr Steele says he has no means of recouping his costs from UK assets owned by Trump, because the golf courses that bear his name in Scotland are held in trust structures.”
Thank you (4 now added!)
They told me at school that ‘p’ meant ‘negative log’. So ‘pH’ means ‘the negative log of the concentration of Hydrogen ions in moles/litre’.
pH 1 is 1 x 10-1 (strong acid)
pH 7 is 1 x 10-7 (neutral)
pH 14 is 1 x 10-14 (alkaline)
(Chemistry was a long time ago, though)
Yeah…it’s worth checking that your face is centralised.
Last week my wife ran a video call at work with the camera on her cleavage.
I have used OpenOffice on Macs.
Also there are some free Apple apps that aren’t installed by default. (GarageBand and one for making gifs)
That sounds right. I think I remember paying for iWork back then too.
I can’t remember the make but I went to wedding at a vineyard in Surrey…their wine tasted pretty good to me. Also good British wine around the Welsh marches (3 Choirs?).
My Spanish friends don’t believe British wine exists.
Oh, same problem as flammable and inflammable.
Thankyou! I can not stand it either.
Yes, that’s what it looks like.
I don’t think they look similar to anything so probably fine to eat. Always a good idea to take a spore print to help with ID, tho’.
I don’t like it either but I just remember D for despatch.
What I struggle with is the inconsistency in Zoom shortcuts in Apple apps.
Good luck 🤞
Obviously, it’s impossible to know from here, but I had a knee flare up that took ages to recover from. I couldn’t run and walking, getting up/down from chairs was painful.
The thing that helped was seeing a physio. I’d tried all kinds of voodoo (neoprene supports, etc) before that, and postponed recovery.
She got me to stretch, stand on one leg, etc and watched how I moved. Eventually, she gently pushed her thumb onto the inner side of my knee cap—OUCH, THAT’S IT! It was immensely painful, but I realised that all the nagging pain was from this very specific area. It wasn’t like normal pain, where the source hurts most and it’s obvious what’s wrong and where it is.
She gave me some self-massage and stretch exercises, which helped. I still do them for a couple of minutes a couple of times a week, just to prevent a comeback.
I lost about an hour of my life trying to create a historical timeline in MS Excel. Eventually learned this is impossible with dates earlier than 1900.
…I had to think about that one!
Another one common one: