oOoOO yet another damage control meme delivered to you by DNC.
oOoOO yet another damage control meme delivered to you by DNC.
Life long democrat that hates everything about Donald Trump here. I once famously said I will vote for used condom before I vote for Donald Trump.
Am I taking crazy pills???
On the debate, I, with my own two eyes, saw that our president Joe Biden is senile. Yet, today everyone is saying that Donald Trump was so bad, he should drop.
Donald Trump was a selfish, narcissist, arrogant, bastard in 2016, 2020, and 2024 debates. As somebody that watches all our the presidential debates, I did not see any difference in Donald Trump, and his behavior, since 2020.
Biden, on the other hand, very clearly has dementia. I would know. My father has been battling dementia for the last few years. My father is a lot more capable than Joe Biden at this moment.
All of these articles are damage control from Democrats.
that debate isn’t going to convince any swing voters
I am voting for Biden. But that debate convinced multiple swing voters I personally know to vote for Trump. All I hear from both democrats and republicans is that Biden is senile. That bunch of nonsense followed by “we beat medicare” line lost tens of millions of votes for Biden.
I am pasting this from another thread where I replied to a person that said he was going to vote for Biden no matter what.
I don’t care who you vote for. It is very clear to me you will vote for Democrats. That is great.
I do care about who my aunt and her family votes for, a lot. She is democrat leaning. Her husband is republican leaning. They both believe the middle class is getting destroyed by politicians for the last 2 decades. They are both retired. They used to be middle/low income. These days they are clearly low income.
For the last 2 years, they both are saying that they don’t want to vote for Trump but Biden destroyed the economy for middle class. It was clear they might give Biden another shot if he managed to recover the economy before the election.
Ever since the debate, they both are dead set on voting for Trump. All I hear is “Of course the economy would be bad, he is senile.” or any “Of course xyz would be bad, he is senile.”
As I said, I don’t care who you vote for. I care for the votes of people that have not decided whether to vote for Trump or Biden. In the debate, Biden lost a lot of them. Biden lost that debate, clearly! Saying “they both are senile” or “Trump lied during the debate” is damage control by Dems. If Dems insist on going forward with Biden, Trump will be president. I am sure of that.
Now you can say my aunt and her family are stupid. You can say I am stupid for not changing their minds. You can say Trump is an insurrectionist and we are all stupid. You can even say all of the Americans are stupid, it is your first amendment right. You can down-vote me to hell if it makes you feel good. None of these will change the fact that my aunt and her family will vote for Trump unless Dems change the candidate or Biden manages to shit rainbows and use it to gift a million dollars to my aunt’s family.
At this point being a Biden apologist is the same thing as voting for Trump. Trump will win.
I am losing my mind over what I see on Reddit right now. They are arguing that Trump should quit running for president if he wants to serve his country.
Biden is senile! Trump is a POS. He has always been a POS. This no news to anyone. But, the biggest thing the debate revealed is that Biden is senile. He lost A LOT of votes during the debate. Trump did not lose any votes. Everyone knew Trump was a POS before the debate.
This this this! Guys listen to this guy. He is smart.
Obama won with a message that politicians were dirty and we needed a change.
Trump won with a message that politicians were dirty and we needed a change.
Biden barely won with a message that Trump was dirtier than politicians and we needed a change.