If you think the Eastland Steamer is a story you should check out the Cleveland Steamer.
Thought #2….maybe don’t.
If you think the Eastland Steamer is a story you should check out the Cleveland Steamer.
Thought #2….maybe don’t.
Your point is well made, I’m not sure you caught my sarcasm in noting that they literally (well, supposedly) have precisely the expertise and processes to have seen the fire claim risks here or hurricane risks in the south or tornados in the midwest and mitigated their own exposure accordingly….but you’re right - roll the dice and win and they rake in the cash today and F tomorrow.
Maybe they should have analyzed and prepared for risks that someone could project and price like those actuaries do for….insurers.
Well put - and I expect we’d agree that the worst are outlets like the NYT and WP that trip over themselves trying to appeal to a demographic that hates them by constantly pushing “both sides” or worse pretending it’s normal partisan dynamics and not an utterly corrupt SCOTUS and dysfunctional Congress let alone aspiring authoritarianism on one side. They focus on eyeballs and revenue, journalistic integrity be damned.
I suppose “the media has catastrophically failed in it’s job to inform many voters” wasn’t as catchy.
I thought oil was the problem?
Their point is absolutely valid. Their method is absurd. This doesn’t generate a dialogue, it undermines the point by enabling opponents to rightfully condemn the vandalism and changes no minds.
Attacking art or culture is counterproductive.
I’ve never seen one outside of a hotel before. Is it behind the fire?
A Norm reference made this much less depressing, thank you.
“Sorry our nation elected a bunch of morons”.
Being used to riding on flat land be aware of sight-lines being obstructed by the hill. “Hug” the fog line (not the centerline) in case oncoming traffic blows the turn an runs wide - this also enables a later apex so optimize your sightline in left handers (for right side traffic, not sure where you live)….also you may not be familiar with turning/elevation changes so take it nice and chill. Enjoy! Having gone from flat FL to mountains in CA it’s how to truly enjoy what your bike can do.
Yes of course, but I expect the death was nigh instantaneous for thr victim so hopefully not so much as an “oh shit” moment.
Yeah….also curious. It’s been a couple of years but when I previously bought stuff from Monoprice it was a smoking deal and I’m pretty certain none of the cables I bought ever failed me.
I’m by no means a laserologist but my layperson understanding is that laser colors are achieved through different means of generating the laser - using various gases etc. So a red or green laser have different properties. Now there may be a way to achieve colors optically and the light itself being consistent but from the bit I recall green ones took quite a bit more power to generate than red so I think would be hotter.
….or I’m WAYYYYY off. 🥸😜
Just wanted to remove any potential ambiguity as some might think it a love song. ;)
Starfuckers is, I believe, about her. It’s….not complimentary.
I mean go anyway, if your online people won’t or can’t. At the least you do something or see something you like or might like (like an art museum, or cool park or event) and while there you’ll be around like minded people and maybe click.
Worst case you saw that new place, discovered that thing or enjoyed a familiar event.
You have to keep putting yourself out there, hard as it is and frustrating and disappointing as it may be. Why? Because that’s where what you want is.
When you do find it it will have been worth it.
I wish it was easier and that you were not struggling. Takes a tough soul to do so and admitting its hard takes guts. Give yourself credit for trying like hell.
I don’t have any lightning bolt insights to share. Honestly it sounds like you’re doing a lot of what I might suggest - sharing something you enjoy with like minded others and being engaged in that community to try to make connections. Maybe you’re sensing more isolation than is really there?
Have you tired things like hiking or other sorts of outdoor activities offline where you might meet people? Local library events? Stuff like that?
Your post touched me enough to respond, so yeah man even this total stranger gives a crap. It’s hard to see that maybe, but I think most people would react positively if they thought others were receptive.
Basically if you put up a wall because you expect things to go poorly they put up theirs and it’s hard to connect so it’s a spiral. It took me a long time to realize that a simple gesture like “hey man cool T-shirt” to a stranger at work has helped me make connections. You share the game interest with them, bounce off that with a compliment or recognition and you’ll find they may reciprocate.
You’re guarding yourself, I get it…but the wall you build to shield yourself keeps others away as much as it keeps you in.
I hope this rambling makes some sense.
Why would you do this? Who hurt you?