Wait nevermind, I just tested it again and I see the stuttering now. I can’t unsee it 😭
Wait nevermind, I just tested it again and I see the stuttering now. I can’t unsee it 😭
Feels smooth on S21U at high refresh rate
Tuta for mail, self hosted calendar with Radicale
If there’s a 32GB model I’m buying it, simple as (unless it costs like $2000)
They are most likely in their original positions, so just normally. The alternate functions of those keys would be on a different layer, requiring you to hold down a different key to activate them. Source: I daily a 40%
I went to the torrent page on Anna’s Archive and put in the capacity I had to spare. Then just copied the magnet links to qBittorrent.
I’m doing my part! Though with only 20TB
How about Tuta mail with a custom domain? They have unlimited custom domain addresses which is pretty nice
I thought that Harold wasn’t techically an actual ghoul, though he’s certainly similar to them
Emily left a couple months ago
Last time I refused it the agent was completely confused and dumbfounded despite having a sign saying it’s optional right next to them
They used to have both the old school one where you swipe up on the three sections at the bottom, as well as the new Google one for years. The newest update to OneUI 6.1 removed the classic swipe controls for no reason, keeping only the Google one. I had to install Good Lock and NavStar to make some sort of custom settings configuration, which returned the navigation option. Thankfully I did get it working, but only after messing around and wasting 20 minutes of my time.
I really hate that they think they own my device, not me.
Latest Samsung updates removed classic swipe controls for navigation. I had to do a hacky workaround including finding 2 random APKs just to preserve functionality. (S21U)
Headphones are great but they aren’t speakers
I’m not saying that a giant pipeline would be preferable, but cooling LNG to cryogenic temperatures and keeping it there for the entire voyage is very energy intensive, not to mention the fuel costs of a carrier vessel. I am against gas exploration and transporting in general and in all its forms. It should not be considered a ‘necessary’ evil and it should certainly not see further investment in my opinion.
For home use I have seen most people buy dirt in bags. A sedan or even a compact would handle carrying those. The open sides can be a benefit for sure, but I don’t know about putting cargo ‘as high as you want to,’ given that wind is a thing. And vans are pretty tall anyway!
I understand that they can have some utility on a farm or something, but the average person is not regularly transporting a ‘couple loads of dirt’ in suburbia.
Also conveniently forgetting that shipping methane across an ocean is extremely polluting and inefficient
A van will have more cargo volume for the same wheelbase, be easier to load, and have the cargo be covered from the elements. Those are made for carrying stuff. Pick-ups are made only to show that the owner is compensating for something.
Buy once cry once