I’m pretty sure the love for Warcraft III evenly splits X and Y.
I’m pretty sure the love for Warcraft III evenly splits X and Y.
No, not alcohol, but they were at a bar. I’m pretty sure there isn’t another substance around (though it could be a star wars analogue, because movie-worlds /eyeroll) that creates bars where people sit around a central area with a bartender serving said substance.
Wait until the poor guy tries searching “hot bitches” next. His look of disappointment will make grown men weep.
“Wanna buy some death sticks?”
“Happy Cantina Music”
-heard at a bar
Nah, alcohol shares the same boat. There are lots of examples if you really dig into the effects of various things. Alcohol and tobacco just kill you so slowly that it doesn’t drop profits.
Weird that the longer bars are worse. It’s a cognitive flip, even if what it may represent (carbon footprint, maybe? Fossil fuel expenditure?) is growing with the lower tiers. Oh, and whoever made the poster missed the fantastic opportunity to use Heil! instead of hell.
Customer taste preferences are definitely odd. I liked their pizza before the change, and really liked it afterwards.
Aye, the difference between me, diagnosed in preteens, and my friend, diagnosed at 3, is immense. I still have the odd craving and sometimes indulge with stupid results. She? Never even crosses her mind.
Lol, just around the corner is right. My doctor, waaaay back in the 90s, said a cure was 10-15 years away. I think it’s just language they use. Especially when they are talking to the extremely sick/depressed who just learned what they have.
That’s a culture-thing. I’m a member of two forums that are still pretty active. One views dead thread revivals as amusing, the other almost literally has a celebration in-thread when it happens as all the members with older posts in it come piling in. Heck, the second forum has a thread so active that people literally ask for, and get, recaps for the last X amount of time for it.
For better or worse, that aspect is never going away. Places with less funds, like rural counties and cities, rely on their police to do everything that gets called in to 911 and isn’t fire/ems/construction (which, thankfully, they have dedicated teams/people for).
Oh god, what? I haven’t seen any since the first either, was the movie fun enough to make it worth watching the series of them?
That just…seems so wrong. My mentally declining grandmother used firefox back in the 00s era (though now that I think about it, my uncle is a developer, so maybe he set up the computer). How have we backslid since then to where so few people know/use firefox?
Uh… have you ever owned a car long enough to need new injectors, radiators, or exhaust systems?
I’ve owned three vehicles that surpassed 400,000 miles, with one approaching 600,000 now. I’ve replaced a radiator once, and it was because of a small boulder tossed by a semi. Belts are usually less than $60, and are only replaced after 120,000 or so. Your average driver won’t have to worry about those but once every 5-10 years. I’ve never had to replace a injector system (and if your dealer tries to sell you a service to ‘flush’ or ‘clean’ the injectors, decline; most auto manufacturers recommend not doing anything but replacing, as the service of cleaning/flushing is more likely to cause damage than actually be beneficial).
Fuel pumps are going to be brand-dependent. Don’t buy ford, because good lord they suck and the pumps do go out, but again, I’ve never had to replace a fuel pump (my three are toyota, honda, and volkswagen).
If you pay for a tuneup, you’re either racing or are a fool. One of those use cases isn’t relevant to a discussion about the average person owning a vehicle.
It’s funny you say that. On all the possibly scammy websites that I sign up for, I used Marc xxx as my name, and somehow I did get some texts using that name. I still wonder how they connected my cell# to throwaway emails and a made up name.
It probably falls under the ‘not illegal’ category. They got the number somehow, and I would bet it’s from some stupid agreement that lets a company sell his number and whoever buys it is allowed to send messages to it.
It’s also hard to get harassment charges for these, since realistically it is hard to contact the assholes and tell them to stop sending messages, which is required for most cases. There’s also the issue that harassment needs to be a repeated thing (and usually after being told to stop) from the same source/conspiracy. If you could prove all of these different messages were from the exact same organization, or that each entity sending the messages had collaborated, you could possibly get a judge to agree that harassment took place. Then, of course, your issue becomes the question of who did the harassment. If the judge/jury believes that it was a particular individual at the corporation, maybe that person could be prosecuted, but if they only will say that it was the entity, like a PAC or LLC or inc. or whatever, you’re boned. No one holds business/political entities accountable.
All that to say… those of us who get these messages are boned, with little legal recourse. I just block the numbers and delete. It seems like it works, because I haven’t gotten any messages like OP did for the last year or so. They must reuse numbers to send texts.
Is she snitching? Does an informant really snitch? If she was a plant the whole time, how could she be morally deplorable for turning on these very fun guys?
To be fair, he ate chips with a neat soundtrack and flashy cuts. Whooooah.
Yes, so much this. Every time I have to do something in the engine bay, I get a friend. A six-pack, a dinner, or whatever other small favor they need in return returns gold for pennies in the investment. If only the damn engineers would have the incentive to make working in the engine as easy as changing the oil (though Subaru even fucked that one up), life would be a breeze.
Where are you watching these episodes at? I think I watched the first episode on some streaming service a long time ago, and never got around to watching the rest.