I’d agree, Duolingo is a tool not a silver bullet. That said it’s a very useful tool if used well.
I’d agree, Duolingo is a tool not a silver bullet. That said it’s a very useful tool if used well.
La idioma que estudias, Como estas con el?
More importantly, how are you wrt the language that you’re learning…
Happens to everyone, and kudos for being sport about it.
Sorry (ok maybe not) but Godot uses an internal script that resembles Python, with optional .net bindings.
The .net bindings are c# native.
You could use f#, but if you’re still learning the ropes that’s setting yourself up to fail, since it’ll limit the use of documentation and add a high hurdle to clear
Why the down vote? Average age in gaza is 19 (yes mean is not median but still). This means that you have a good chance that a large proportion of those killed were kids (and almost all weren’t of voting age last time gaza had an election).
It takes less fuel to eject him out of the solar system. No need to be wasteful.
No, that last one’s zoophiliac, but probably works too.
Buy them a ticket to Russia, but make sure it’s on one of those Aeroflot jets that don’t have brakes any more…
Just checked on google, it’s slang for prostitution.
Honestly? With the benefit of hindsight, I’m actually pleased it wasn’t given the chance to become a Dollhouse.
The movie gave closure, and we left the characters in a good place.
Dollhouse gave us 5 seasons of content in one, and ruined itself in season 2, and many other shows have just run until everyone was sick of them, before getting an anticlimactic ending anyway.
This reminds me of am episode of Love Death and Robots
Technically it’s their client that’s putting the thumb screws to them.
If that’s the case the logical solution is to put your commercial hat on and find another client. Amazon aren’t the only ones paying.
If Amazon was your only client that’ll be tough, but speaking from experience if you don’t diversify your client base, you’re living on borrowed time anyway.
This doesn’t mean Amazon are not being abusive, but the solution isn’t to moan on the internet.
Don’t worry, it’s business insider India, nothing to do with the reputable site.
And honestly I prefer the lemmy experience which has soo much less toxicity.
Pity. But judging from your vernacular, you’re from a
Westerncountry, none of which have a stellar history
FTFY. There’s not a country around that doesn’t have something dark in it’s closet. I feel that a real patriot would accept the dark parts of their country’s history, and work to make the future brighter rather than putting their fingers in their ears and going ‘nananana’.
I’m not signaling any country out here since there isn’t a point.
This does not mean that we should never point out bad stuff other countries are doing just because at some point in the past our country also did terrible shit. Raising the plight of the Uyghurs does not lighten what happened in Algeria, but neither can what happend in Algeria be used as a justification (or whataboutisme) for what’s currently happening in Xinjiang.
Got my AWS architect cert 2 weeks ago.
What you can do is setup a spot fleet so it’ll fill up with spots and only use on-demand if spot goes above the on demand price.
You could also have a pure spot fleet and a reserved instance and use a load balancer with health checks to route traffic.
The one thing you shouldn’t do with cloud providers is lift and shift your existing instances, that’s what leads to the crazy prices some people are seeing.
Renting an ec2 on demande and installing your software is almost always the wrong way to do it.
C’est le transcription (sans doute automatique) de la vidéo. Quelqu’un à télécharger les sous-titres de youtube et à copiée-collé.
Ensuite, l’auteur soulève souvent de bons points même s’il a tendance à partir trop en vrille.
Ici, je pense qu’il oublie la troisième option (vu que c’est de Macron qu’on parle et pas de quelqu’un de particulièrement calé en géopolitique): ramener les troupes en France et continuer de faire comme si Poutin était un dirigeant avec qui on peut raisonner…
Because that worked out so well…
Less than 10 years after Sulla was dead the republic was run by bleeding Crassus and Pompey.