You know, believing that only leads to depression, i figure out. A depression, where nothing starts to matter and nothing could bring joy, so the only choice one can really have is… not participating in life anymore.
And it reduce parents to selfish beings and can lead to not seeing them as people (who mostly have feelings for their own kids).
There is a difference between just giving birth and actual raising children. Between birth parents, adopted parents… There a plenty scenarios that exist: parents diying, family torn apart by war, parents becoming addicted. The queer community has a strong connection to found family. And of course all the people that never want and never will have children.
There are a lot of things in this world that could be much, much better right now. But the question, if life itself has a meaning is old as civilisation. But that’s a thing noone can really answer. shouldn’t we ask ourself what could we do to create a world where we all can live in? Where we all can participate, been heared and seen?
I think giving birth is not the problem, but billionars and companies destroying our World and our lives since decades. And no one seem to make them responsibil for it.
When climate change hits us, there is a big chance that rich people will survive and will try to form a world as they please. They could erase feminism, queer folk, the diversity of culture, democraty. They will erase the fact that they destoried our world. So the humans that remain will be like slaves to them.