That’s exactly right. It’s too hard and it doesn’t work. Nobody should try to do this and should definitely leave any relevant supplies behind for not me to get to instead.
Dealing with proton shenanigans is much easier than dealing with all of Windows and Microsoft’s bullshit.
The windows “desktop environment” is so slow and clunky. It makes game development or really any workflow requiring the use of multiple open directories almost too hard. It makes me wonder how they even develop this piece of shit at Microsoft HQ. Do they have an in-house developers ui that’s maybe a little more efficient? Do they have special accelerated hardware that makes it run faster than fast on the development machines? I guess the windows server ui is faster than the windows 11 ui and maybe it has a better file explorer so maybe that’s what they use.
When you need to install a program, all the choices available are too spammy and corporate. The hp printer driver is 300mb and takes 15 minutes to install on a ssd on Windows. Meanwhile on Linux you type something like “sudo apt install cups” and 15 seconds later you have printer drivers.
It’s pretty easy to identify the sweaty mlg titles that lock down everything with windows-only anticheat before buying them. Beyond anticheat games, I can’t even recall a game I couldn’t get running.
When I’m broke and homeless I’m going to follow those videos step by step to recycle batteries. My apocalypse wilderness shelter is going to have electricity it’ll be sick.
Actually this isn’t normal in the US. Giving regular people money for selling their blood, a form of passive income. Seems far fetched. The healthcare industry ruins people financially not help them.
One time like 15 years ago this huge hurricane came through. It fucked the coasts as usual but it went really far inland for some reason and fucked up the midwest too. I didn’t have electricity in August for a week. No escape from the fucking heat, it was absolute torture. I’m fucking off to somewhere far away and cold for a week or two if this is going to happen again.
This looks like an impeccably good idea. I’m sure nothing can go wrong.
If they make testing positive for scheduled drugs a crime like in the red flag countries, we’re fucked. Everyone that tests positive for thc is getting jail time if this happens.
I seem to recall that it used to be a misdemeanor with a minimum 180 days of jail time for testing positive on any drug test, including a pre-employment screening, for scheduled drugs including thc in South Dakota but I can’t find any sources about if that was really on the books or not.
Well I’m glad I made that comment because now I know there’s ways to do this that aren’t Microsoft related. Looks like I have some text editor experimentation to do.
Top 10 worst coups? What was the worst one?
If I fill a steel thermos with water and put it in the fridge, the water still doesn’t dry out even after months. I don’t know what that proves but I bet scientists will figure it out. I’ll be awaiting my Nobel Prize.
I’m a die hard Microsoft hater. I haven’t had windows installed on a pc in years. With that being said I use visual studio code because it’s kind of the only text editor that does code completion in the capacity that it does. I can take a class name, type a “.” after it and a scroll view opens up shows every accessible member of that class along with comments and information about all the variables. The amount of time this saves is so huge I don’t even know how you would quantify it. Nothing else has code completion that even comes close to being that good.
Do non visual studio code users just have to memorize every single function, parameter and return type in their code base? Yeah you can always read the documentation, sure you can always dig through the source code to figure it out every time you forget what data type a parameter is but that takes valuable time.
If they ever put visual studio code behind a paywall or stop making it for Linux, I’m going to be forced to either switch to windows (which I never will under any circumstances) or make a custom made ripoff clone of that entire intellisense code completion system and hack it into whichever open source text editor I deem is the next best thing.
I think there’s a “SKSE for Linux” you can download so that you get it in a separate launcher, but renaming the executable to whatever the original one is will result in that newly renamed executable getting run when you press the play button. This approach works for Skyrim and Starfield but probably others as well.
SKSE works in Linux. I manually install each mod. It’s a pain in the ass but I imagine still less of a pain in the ass than dealing with mod managers. I don’t know who’s teaching new programmers to make their side projects in such a way that it only works on windows but it’s stupid and lame. It’s not as bad as it used to be but there’s always outliers that pop up such as Starfield xedit. You can put your ui in an opengl window. You can use python with wxwidgets. Java has good gui stuff. There are a multitude of ways to do ui besides Microsoft’s bloated toolchain.
After seeing last night’s debate, we’re doomed. I’m going to stockpile weed and hope we get a 2028 election. Also I’m not cumming in any vaginas since they’re being as bigoted about abortions as ever. Ass is fine.
Very nice
I’m going to put in my request for that day off now. That way if they try to tell me 4.5 billion years from now that I didn’t put in my request soon enough, I’m fucking done.
It’s still iffy on if they’re going to give me the day of the 2038 bug off. I requested off for January 19th 2038 in 2017. Fucking enshitification.
His coke high wore off around 45 minutes in
Microsoft went too far in 2001 when they included a new online activation feature in Windows XP which spearheaded the future of drm and enshitification. They’ve been one-upping themselves ever since. All the most recent stuff is just more icing on the shit cake.
The real question is: did it work?
Fuck Nintendo. I will never buy anything from them. They’re basically cyber terrorists; they abuse the legal system to cause chaos and make everything shittier. I wonder what terrible things they’re going to do next. They’re no longer just a run of the mill shitty corporation. They’re an advanced threat to the entire tech world and they have to be stopped at all costs.