No you
No you
I always laugh when I see so many people defend billion dollar corporation A because reasons. But billion dollar corporation B does the exact same thing offering the exact service and somehow they’re the most evil thing ever invented.
Still though this article is silly.
Steam is no better than any other online games marketplace aside from maybe GOG or similar.
Willfully. Politics can suck it
😂 does everything have to be political now? I don’t care if the dude is a space alien who birthed Hitler, if the service is solid, I’m using it.
Correction. The RIAA is crooked as fuck.
The app. Not the service
Ditch spectrum
Obvious troll…c’mon man
This hits home. Wow
Well. That statement isn’t completely wrong. If there is no evidence and can’t be proven
I use launch box on android. Load my own roms.
K-lite codec packs still work?
Installing those should let you use your favorite media players to play anything, including dvd
😂 okay
Weird! Why?
This was a few months back but when I searched for Luke Bryan, nothing came up. I had to get creative to find the song I wanted. Think it was called country girl. I haven’t tried recently but it would be interesting to see if it’s still like that
I’m referring to digital software in general. No matter which store you choose, they can and will take away your games at any time for any reason.