Lmao my femdom, math undergrad fiance in a nutshell.
Lmao my femdom, math undergrad fiance in a nutshell.
I don’t operate anything in the field but I design and build the stuff. Fortunately, I haven’t had to build any weapon systems or combat vehicles yet because I also have some moral apprehension to that as well, but I try not to shame those who do work on that stuff if I can avoid it. It’s a pretty standard meme that wide-eyed aerospace engineers with dreams of space travel get stuck designing missiles to pay the bills. I’m sure there’s not that many engineers in weapons tech that wouldn’t switch to rockets or self driving cars in a heartbeat if they could afford to and had an in.
Rarely in my line of work but we do do it sometimes. To your point, outside of what I do I’m not sure how often game controllers are used in situations like passenger flight or submarines where you can’t just mash the e-stop button and bail out.
I work on robotics and drones for the military and we use game controllers for teleoperation all the time. There are some times we use more rugged and robust controllers, but they are essentially just expensive, yellow Playstation controllers with e-stop buttons on the bottom (look up Fort robotics controller).
I think you’d be surprised at how often the military uses game controllers for mission critical tech. The convergent design of game controllers has kind of solved the problem of minimal, handheld, input-output machines that are capable of commanding difficult procedures.
Lmao Putin bros on suicide watch. Stay mad.
I really like the magnetic charging port plug adaptors for situations like that, but personally, if I’m jumping up and down from my desk at work or something and have my phone plugged in, I’ll just leave it on my desk while I’m away. And if I’m not coming back to it for a good bit, the extra half second it takes to unplug my phone is more than worth the more efficient power transfer, imo.
But to each their own.
Personally, I’d rather my open source, decentralized software be developed by a nearly fanatical communist than a slimy entrepreneur/capitalist. Either could try to pull the rug out from under you, but at least one is internally consistent until then…
I hate wireless charging too, though. It’s inherently less efficient than wired, and you have less range of motion while charging. With a wire, I can still use my phone while it’s plugged in. Wireless charging needs to go away imo.
I hope everything just becomes brushed aluminum ffs. I hate all these glass back phones
Honestly, regarding the fewer restrictions thing, why do we still have rules against not sharing links? What’s gonna stop the community since it’s more free from authority?
Yeah this screams GenZ. I respect it.
Yeah there would be gore or CP everywhere very quickly ESPECIALLY if the users valued the increase in chaos. People would probably be actively posting full length Disney movies and “questionable” porn to stir shit up.
Hey that’s racist! /s
I appreciate the suggestion, but I thought the same thing and tried switching from Firefox to Chrome and got the same problem. Even updated both browsers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Comrade Karl Marx.
Nah my bet is on Barry Nana who looks curiously like Obama but with a mustache and glasses on.
I honestly bet ESVI just started actual, large scale development recently. Like within the last year as Starfield is wrapping up. We aren’t seeing that game until like 2026-2027 imo.
We might have actually gone from the last Space Shuttle flight (July 8, 2011) to the first noon landing since Apollo (2025-2026) before ESVI is released. Crazy.
All these companies are ran by fucking idiots that don’t understand the world or economics.
Speaking of superstonk, is there a good superstonk or wsb personalfinance lemmy community? I am subbed to the beehaw finance community, but it’s really not a tube yet and seems to be a bit more economics leaning than pure personal finance or investing.
The subs I spend a lot of time on were FIRE, financialindependence, wsb, and personal finance and I miss them lol.
No it’s okay. I completely understand the sentiment and it’s the reason I tried my damnedest to avoid defense entirely in my job search, but with my skillset and the absolute cutthroat competitiveness of the space exploration industry, I had to broaden my search eventually. A lot of people that design the death machines also have similar reservations (I have met some that think explosions and death are cool but they are the minority…), but it’s usually those far outside the industry that hold such vitriol to those that work in the military industrial complex.
The problem isn’t the people, it’s the system and I try to remind people that when I see them attack me or others for working in defense (hopefully I can transfer out to space flight soon). Be mad at your representatives and politicians for voting for the ever expanding defense budget. Be mad at the CEOs and shareholder boards that push war for their war profiteering. Be mad at capitalism that forces the labourers into jobs they’d rather not have. Don’t be mad at the 23 year old fresh engineering grad that couldn’t land the job at NASA and Raytheon handed them a fat check to pay their loans back with.