Even if you dont care about the man behind it, just buy a Analogue Pocket for $25 more or an FPGA for half the price. Both are way better than this crap
Even if you dont care about the man behind it, just buy a Analogue Pocket for $25 more or an FPGA for half the price. Both are way better than this crap
Ratgdo for my garage door (https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/). So simple but it works so well. Blows MyQ and OpenGarage out of the water
I started with the fresh roast, good starter roaster but once you go over 250g, even with an extension tube its rough.
I really liked the bocaboca but for the price the Skywalker kinda blows it out of the water
Artisan. Its the standard for roasting software. You will have to splice a USB cable on to an Arduino, or just buy a usb to dupont cable but its super easy.
If that sounds like a hassle 1. I read that the next version of this roaster will have artisan support built in and 2. The built in profiles are pretty good
Yup! Loving the skywalker so far, the built in roast profiles are solid.
If i really had to nitpick a complaint I wish the bean cooler was a bit better. Its no where near as poweful as the one attached to my bocaboca. Oh well.
Gonna wait a few days to degas before tasting!
I really like the roster so far. Done about 20 roasts so far with their built in profile tools. Getting to to connect to artisan is pretty easy but it does talk either soldering or cable crimping knowledge. You’ll be soldering a usb cable to an arduino so no chance of bricking the roaster
If you dont have a neutral wire i have a few of these that are working quite well.
I have these sonoff modules in some spots too.
Or over 2x the price of an FPGBC
Libretube seems to almost never work for me no matter what instance i try.
Also worth adding Smarttube for AndroidTV
I have a zwave Yale Assure lock that works well for me. I like that the “smart” module can be swapped out without replacing the entire lock
Glad I stumbled on this thread, i had the same problem. Protip if youre not using a config file and using env vars instead you can use
INVIDIOUS_DOMAIN and INVIDIOUS_EXTERNAL_PORT instead. Works great for docker
I got with Ancient Egyptian Deities for everything. (See: my username).
Keeping it (Somewhat) simple. I have enough automations and physical switches that i really dont need my dashboard too much
This sounds like it fixes some of my main complaints about HA. Cant wait to try it
I tried Umbrel and i hated it. I switched to Cosmos and its great
Yup! You can (and should*) configure it to do a checkerboard pattern over two runs
*it does work great but sometimes misses just a little bit. Having to do two runs in a pattern makes it pretty much perfect
Multiple levels as in it wont work for my upstairs and downstairs.
The software is only designed for one map
The d10s pro/plus are great and not terribly expensive. The breakout board isnt too hard to build either. If youre afraid/bad at soldering i saw a few prebuilt on ebay
No HA integration but the Luba is a fantastic robo lawnmower. It honestly does a better job than i do
I really liked it for retro gaming but the screen, size, and weight werent ideal for me. I ended up getting the Odin Mini (2?) and its perfect. Handles some Wii U games flawlessly