• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • India is a world leader when countries are ranked by population. It’s time will come, as the middle class grows and imports from other nations increase, but that is not happening in the next 5 years in my opinion.

    India’s inability to remove the caste system leads IMHO to an equivalent of middle eastern country’s inability to allow women a meaningful place in their society, and is a massive hindrance to reaching its potential socially and economically.

    On the positive side, absolutely has the best cuisine in the world

  • Just read up on the Dutch cases and it appears only some details of some cases were released (900 partial released of 30,000 cases between 2012-2021). Of those 8 said their mental illness was the only factor leading to the request for euthanasia.

    This leaves somewhere between worst case (8/900) 0.8% and best case (8/30,000) 0.03% of cases you mention here, where autism or other intellectual disability specifically led to a person being euthanased.

    My intention is NOT to take the importance away from 8 lives potentially unnecessarily lost, but only to put the problem into relative terms. If I was in a dire position and suffering, I would want this option available to me.