Wtf is the Australian civil war?
Wtf is the Australian civil war?
I like the first half of your comment, but the second is really hard to swallow. I guess you meant “severe” or “debilitatingly” painful/disabled life, and I don’t think you meant malice in what you’re saying - but I know some people living with disabilities that would see your comment as calling them worthless.
India is a world leader when countries are ranked by population. It’s time will come, as the middle class grows and imports from other nations increase, but that is not happening in the next 5 years in my opinion.
India’s inability to remove the caste system leads IMHO to an equivalent of middle eastern country’s inability to allow women a meaningful place in their society, and is a massive hindrance to reaching its potential socially and economically.
On the positive side, absolutely has the best cuisine in the world
I don’t normally blindly down such comments, but without credible explanation and evidence of what you mean, I made an exception here.
Looks like bananas will be going up in price tomorrow :)
Seconded. One of the first foss projects I donated to :)
It would become normal if more people started riding to work and requesting it.
Agreed. I’d love to also see how this was calculated, but the graph doesn’t make me want to click on the link tbh.
My (and hopefully most other’s too) hatred for SUV’s is already maxxed out anyway.
*Edit: ok, my curiosity won and I clicked it and saw that it was done by IEA… Literally one of my favourite organisations that don’t tend to come up with junk data or conclusions. It’s a good read.
I love rolling dice on my multi million dollar sports franchise!
But seriously, wishing him the best of luck and Kane another trophyless season!
While I understand the sentiment, such action doesn’t match the long term goals of the bloc to unify the continent. Another solution needs to be found to ensure single bad actors cannot hold up actions which severely impact the remaining stakeholders - I have no idea how it could be done though.
Xoxo, Another useless armchair observer
The 70 second video is the dumbest thing I have seen in a long time. Looks like it was made by some 12 year olds in windows movie maker on Windows XP. It’s like 50 seconds of aircraft taking off and missiles flying then 10 seconds of fire gifs over Taiwan… is like the daily mail level of trash in Australia.
Well colour me shocked!
I’ll never forget watching the ads for other movies on rented VHS tapes. They were peak cheesy, not unsimilar to that text.
Just read up on the Dutch cases and it appears only some details of some cases were released (900 partial released of 30,000 cases between 2012-2021). Of those 8 said their mental illness was the only factor leading to the request for euthanasia.
This leaves somewhere between worst case (8/900) 0.8% and best case (8/30,000) 0.03% of cases you mention here, where autism or other intellectual disability specifically led to a person being euthanased.
My intention is NOT to take the importance away from 8 lives potentially unnecessarily lost, but only to put the problem into relative terms. If I was in a dire position and suffering, I would want this option available to me.
The daily mail is not a reliable news source. Your friend should speak to their healthcare specialist for advice on flying if they haven’t already
If people wish to end their suffering, the means should be there for them to do so safely.
Are you talking about a pure socialist country, or socialist aspects within any system?
No an overly helpful suggestion maybe, but I used to look for servers hosting the cars service manual whenever I had issues. But that was in the early 2010s, so not sure where to look for them now.