What price range would this fall under in comparison to some of the moderate levels of pen craftmanship?
This kind of intrigues me. I may give it a shot. What is a good decent pen for say 20 dollars. Smooth, thin line. Say. 5 or so.
I haven’t seen any, in my travels through the Midwest. Plenty of cops though.
I’m in the pen losing crowd. I can’t tell if you guys are serious and I need a more expensive pen or not. 100 dollars is too rich for me though. But this logic sort of makes sense.
Clickers are why my pants and pockets have ink all in them. Twist for life.
OP asking the real questions! Also just ducking glad to see something not news or politics related. My gosh it’s overwhelming today.
Draineage and runoff are so underrated. Thanks for this type of post. All good info when most focus on opsec and intenet based concepts.
General security and privacy enhancements. Nothing threat specific as that can be handled seperate to this post.
Hardware recommendations such as Model and brands? Software recommendations brands/FLOSS? Thanks for the lengthy insights I will definitely pass it on. Simple is best. I believe everything will be tied into Home Assistant. Amongst other self hosted solutions.
Pro tip some might know. If someone is close behind you water or wiper fluid is cheap hold the lever down and it covers their windshield. Water for summer wiper fluid for winter.
How much we bandwidth we talking? I have the top package internet I can get in the area.
I dont have a vps though currently. I do have a webcam. No idea how to set it up to or viewing and to run 24/7. I can port forward though and am pretty network/software literate.
I will check this out. I need it today. So I’m not sure if this is possible. Its very short notice. I had an unexpected trip.
I don’t have a pi but I have a mini nuc like server PC. With mint installed.
Out of town viewing through tailscale or something similar. The feed needs to remain private from the LAN/WIFI. Only access is through me from outside the network.
No nothing. I’ve been busy so setting up home assistant hasn’t happened. I have a server PC but haven’t done anything with it yet. Currently dont have the time. I just need to pop in install live feed and pop out the next day. So something live only and quick is what I need. I’m familiar with tailscale.
I see multiple specialist and am in the hospital for testing regularly. Most of them recommend pedialyte or to keep drinking the body armours I drink.
Thanks for the clarification. I appreciate it.
Mint because shit is easily labelled on the programs and shit just works. Tons of info online.