Talibans, Christian fundamentalists, they are quite similar…
Talibans, Christian fundamentalists, they are quite similar…
Restricting your own wage increase in the hope that companies won’t add to inflation is very much like trying to be extra nice to an abusing partner in the hope that they won’t hit you.
I know that you later wrote that you’re in favor of a law restricting their ability to increase prices so please take this as an aside.
Agreed, most of home security is to try and make your neighbours a more tempting target than you. The ethical choice is to do it by making your home a bit more difficult to break into though I guess you could “debuff” the neighbours as well 😉
Or if you have kids they can’t lose their keys if they just have a pin. And that pin can be changed if they tell it to someone.
I wish that he would try his hand on a lock from Yale. Considering that they are part of Assa Abloy who are very well respected in the lock business. My suspicion is that a company who are mainly makers of mechanical locks at least won’t fall prey for the many of the beginners mistakes lockpicking lawyer points out.
The difference is that one will force you to actually stop, if even for just a moment. That can give you enough time to actually see oncoming traffic.
Fighting for seniority can have its downsides but without rules against it what tends to happen is companies firing skilled and experienced workers as a way to wage dump. Since so many in upper management only see wages as an expense without any meaning besides “low good, high bad” they’ll gladly lose out on productivity by firing people who actually know their stuff.
I can imagine it losing him both the republican voters who dislike women and all the voters who simply dislike her.
I further believe that women voters while they do like representation they vote based on politics to a further degree.
Considering that the part about being stewards of god’s creation is mentioned in the first chapter of the bible it’s a feat to have missed it. But here we are
Worse actually, for all their faults I still got the impression that the Pharisees at least tried keeping all the laws.
It doesn’t help that Google tries to guess what you actually wanted to search for.
Annoying yes but at least these days there’s one check box in the settings that turns off the connection between likes in YouTube and YouTube music.
I’m guessing that we are around 1% of the general population 😉
Not enough for a big company to build a community on though. Of course, it would have helped if Google hadn’t restricted sign-up. Just because it worked for Gmail, but a social network is a different beast than email, that already had a critical mass of users.
Yes exactly. Google is a big culprit of this, for instance translating descriptions of apps in Google play or giving me results on Google search in Swedish when I specifically wrote it in English. If I had wanted results in Swedish I would have written it in Swedish. Adding quotation marks doesn’t even help. I miss the time when you actually got what you searched for and not what Google believes that you search for… YouTube has an issue in the app when looking at playlist. Since the word “visningar” is so much longer than “views” the rest of the line is cut off. So you for instance can’t see if the video was posted 1 month ago or 1 year. This is more a failure of gui due to translation than the translation it self though.
On the subject of shitty translations: a budget webpage translated “disabled”, as in “this option is turned off”, as “funktionshindrad” which means a person with a disability. I bug reported it and the initial response was:
We do not currently support this functionality, but will pass your feedback on to our product team, who will make a note of it and try to incorporate it into our product as soon as possible.
Two months later they wrote that it would be forwarded to their product team for “whenever there’s an update in our system”. That was 10 months ago and it still isn’t fixed.
In Sweden kids learn English from second grade and a third language from fifth grade.
What really annoys me is how many programmers seem to expect us to only be able to understand one language. I much rather have the program made in English than to read a bad Swedish translation.
You remind me of chatting with a friend from Hong Kong and how surprised she was that I, as a young man, knew how to cook and did it for fun.
Freespace 2 with a force feedback joystick. When you got a bit too close to a capital ship’s beam weapon and the whole joystick started to shake. One of my most immersive experiences in a game.
I still miss Google+, my friends and my sharing is based on the subject not my relation to my friends.
To “hack it” also means to be able to handle something. That there were multiple meanings for the word was never in question and I really do agree with you that language evolve over time and you simply need to learn to live with that.
But also, if you go back and look at my response to op I also wrote that I found it unsuitable to use it in this case exactly due to the risk of being misunderstood.
Ah but when the prices can’t go any higher they can always remove content, paying their suppliers less and getting cheaper hardware. I wish I was joking but these are the options that are left.