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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I feel like you missed the point at the detriment of people taking your position seriously. Words and their definitions are very important in communication and I feel like semantics is something that is very undeserving of the flippant treatment it routinely receives.

    If someone were to accuse someone else of lying, this also comes with an accusation of intent. It isn’t sufficient for someone’s statement to be false to be a lie, there also needs to be intent to deceive. Intent to deceive implies that the liar at least knows what they’re saying is untrue, and possibly implies they know what is actually true depending on the context. However, if there is no intent to deceive, it’s usually a case of that person just being mistaken. How frustrating would it be for someone to be accused of lying when they say something they believe to be true? And how seriously should they take their accusers when not only being told their view of reality is incorrect, but also being informed that their own intent is malignant when stating something they believe is true?

    So, when it comes to describing something as a genocide, you’re also describing intent. If you tell people that they’re killing animals with the intent to extinct them, they’re probably not going to take you seriously. It’s probably better to have someone tell you what their intentions are rather than just assuming you can slap a piece of paper saying “this is you” on a scarecrow before drop-kicking it.

  • Exactly. It’s absurd to say the designers of any system absolutely intended any and all outcomes of said system, in the same way It’s absurd to attribute someone’s intent as whatever you deem to be the outcome. To kind of bring it all around, it’s absurd to say the designers of our overall system legitimately intended all the flaws that came with it. In fact, with things like the [American] Healthcare system, it wasn’t really “designed” so much as it kinda happened. The heuristic to think of the system as working as intended is a great way to analyze it and all, but it’s still important to keep in mind that the illuminati wasn’t up there wringing their hands and cackling about how much suffering the barbaric American Healthcare System would cause.

  • I’m not sure why you got down-voted for this as I think you illustrate the intent of the above-mentioned heuristic quite well. The intent of the heuristic isn’t to objectively define what the purpose of a system is(because, well… lol), but to change the framing of it in order to better understand it’s function and how well it serves it’s “purpose”. People who design and implement these systems tend to become married to the idea of that system just needing a tweak here and there to finally serve it’s purpose 100%, usually without considering that the system may already be working optimally.

    The reason I think your example of the Healthcare System(in America to be specific) is a great example is that those who are served by said system see it’s flaws first-hand versus those who design and maintain it. To the individual(s) on the receiving end, the purpose of the system is effectively something completely different than the original purpose given. To then apply the framing that the purpose of the Healthcare system is to add stress, bankrupt the sick, skyrocket costs, make people die from neglect, etc, we then see the system not as a flawed one that just needs a few tweaks, but as fundamentally missing the mark before it’s epistemological foundation is even laid. We’re able to get the engineers see what the maintenance crew sees, so to speak.

    What the heuristic doesn’t do is objectively establish the purpose of a system. That’s silly, as purpose is necessarily subjective. I think our boy was trying to find a way of not only better analyzing a system, but to also help the designers of those systems see it from the perspective of those on the receiving end. What better way than to think of a system as working exactly as intended?

    As for me, I think we tend to subconsciously project our intent into the world, effectively turning our framing of things we do/create as objectively inheriting the purpose we had in mind, regardless of the outcome. This can really muddy the waters with what we mean when we discuss something like purpose, which I suspect is the source of apparent confusion within this particular thread. Purpose being subjective, it will change from person to person, and purpose being subjective, it’s a poor indicator of how a system functions.

  • As a preface, I absolutely agree that the parents here are very likely to be wrong in that it seems like they were ideologically opposed to their son’s identity.

    HOWEVER. I find it difficult to trust the validity and/or truth in the details given about this particular story as the article and title are both blatantly biased. On top of that, the claims made about the intentions and motivations of others are aggressively ignorant and just insanely unhelpful. You want people to double down on transphobia? Tell them they’re a terrible person and they’re only transphobic because _____. I get it, conservatives, Christians, etc should respect Trans people and their autonomy, but it’s better for literally everyone to find the best way to reach these people in a way they’d actually be receptive to, rather than trashing and dehumanizing them as monsters. If they’re conservatives, it shouldn’t be surprising when they act like it. We should also recognize that they’re people who are capable of learning to be better.

    I used to be homophobic. I was a fairly conservative Christian back in the day and the justification came via biblical principles. I didn’t learn to be better by being characterized as “he only hates gay people because he’s secretly gay himself” or “he just wants to control what other people do in the bedroom”, but rather by actually engaging my own rationalizations. I would have rejected the premise that I hated anyone who was homosexual, so any rhetoric that mirrors the dishonesty of this article would have been a non-starter. In fact, it would have seemed to me that there were no legitimate arguments to be made against my position, so I would have felt more justified with the given approach above. Being in a few opposing positions on the topic, I never believed that my concurrent position was morally wrong, even though I would strongly submit today that my position before as a conservative Christian absolutely was immoral and extremely uninformed. The takeaway I’m trying to emphasize is that going on the offensive for any such position is not only ridiculous, but very counterproductive.

    While I understand the frustration with what this article appears to portray, the added dishonesty is harmful in that we’re dehumanizing two parents who probably legitimately believe what they are doing is justified and moral. Attacking them would make them double down on their beliefs and who would directly suffer for it? Their son. So where I always found the blatant bias of articles or the always ridiculous non-argument “you just believe _____ because _____” inherently dishonest and icky, I think we should definitely take better stock of how we approach these topics for more than just the intellectual honesty, but also to recognize the second, third, and even fourth order effects our method of approach manifests. Outrage, especially about something moral, feels good, but what good is it when directed the way it is in this article? I could accuse them of being blind and only utilizing outrage as a clickbait tactic, and I have a chance of being correct, but I’m not arrogant enough to assert that I know for a fact what they believe and intend and post that on the internet.

  • NoTagBacks@lemm.eetoADHD@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Looking through your post history, you’re either the worst kind of troll, by which I mean you’re an extremely awful person, or you’re way the fuck off base for one or multiple reasons. I personally think you’re some young kid that believes they figured out some new age bullshit or something.

    But also, you show lots of signs of psychotic episodes. Magical thinking, special knowledge, disordered thoughts/speech, etc. You doing okay?

  • Hey, sorry for the late reply, but like… ya know, ADHD.

    Sounds to me like you already practice some Stoic principles and that’s fucking fantastic! I think you might also benefit from the writings of Epictetus, specifically in his Discourses. He talks about the Dichotomy of Control, which I think is something that would be beneficial to you to study. It’s certainly been a world of help for clarity of thought for me.

  • NoTagBacks@lemm.eetoADHD@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    What about it? It’s not something we’re in control of. It just kinda happens. It can be extremely disruptive to our lives, hence the qualification of it being diagnostic criteria for a disorder. For someone who experiences it as something destructive in their life, it’s pretty fucking insulting to hear some jackass mythicize it as some “superpower”. Especially after demonstrating a lack of knowledge on a subject they seem to feel entitled to have an opinion about anyway.

  • Hello, so I’m not autistic as far as I’m aware, but I do have ADHD-C and have also greatly struggled with anxiety throughout my life. I hope my experience and knowledge can be of some use to you.

    To start off, man, hard relate on both those fears. I mean different mechanism for me in terms of fear of trying new things since it’s more of a “how much time and money am I gonna sink into this obsessively only to completely lose interest in an indeterminate amount of time?”. And to your second point, yeah, the world isn’t built for those of us who aren’t nt. I could go on and on about many anxieties I continue to struggle with to this day, including worry about never truly gaining mastery over myself, losing access to healthcare and/or medication my wife and I need, and external events of climate change, political turmoil, anti-intellectualism, misinformation campaigns, and academics seeming to be losing their fucking minds when it comes to anything philosophy related. I just want to let you know that you’re not alone.

    As for how I’ve dealt with this in my life, it’s primarily come down to Stoic philosophy. Especially when it comes to the anxiety, it’s usually about the framing of how I think about something–much like how modern therapy looks for underlying beliefs and/or experiences that may be a root cause. Someone cuts me off while I’m driving, so I become angry, but it isn’t the other driver that has made me angry, it’s my opinion on the matter. While it’s true that they shouldn’t do such things because it’s unsafe and can cause harm, it’s possible that they didn’t do that on purpose and/or out of malice. Even if they did, what would my anger truly accomplish other than increasing my potential to escalate the situation? In fact, if they truly are a ‘dumbass’ or ‘idiot’, why would I become angry with them when they act according to their nature? Ultimately, I’m not in control of that person, so why react in emotional futility? I’m in control of me and how I treat others with respect, kindness, and charity. I just give them some extra space for everyone’s safety and move on. It’s about what I can and cannot control. I cannot control these externalities of reality. It’s reality, why not just neutrally accept it as such? I must keep in mind that I always have the option of not having an opinion.

    I’ve always struggled with anxiety in my relationships and my marriage is no exception. I fucking love my wife. She my best friend, the best lover I’ve ever had, and my whole world. But I don’t own her. She isn’t mine to keep forever. As the bittersweet saying goes; this too shall pass. She could leave me, she could suddenly and rapidly decline in health, she could die today or in 3,000 years, we could be married for just one more year or maybe 100 more years, who knows? What I do know and can do now is love and appreciate her now, because, well, she is what matters to me and someday she will no longer be in my life. I must admit that despite my many years of therapy, bettering myself, and practicing Stoic philosophy, I’m certain I couldn’t handle suddenly losing my wife right now. I don’t mean that in the sense that I ought to be able to emotionally shrug it off, because that’s insane, unrealistic, and counter to Stoic philosophy, but rather in the sense that I would lose rationality. While I recognize this is a problem, I have found that it’s something that is too insurmountable for me to master on my own. So yeah, I still need therapy and I must accept that this is where I am in my efforts to master myself.

    The important techniques I’ve learned that have worked for me that come from Stoic philosophy is daily self-reflection, mindfulness, constant reminders of what I do/do not control, reminders that I will inevitably run into daily troubles, and ‘amor fati’(or ‘love your fate’, that is: to not only accept your life as it is, but to love and appreciate it while you have what you have). Constant self-reflection is crucial because no one truly “controls” how they immediately react to things, as it’s the beliefs that will dictate the outcome of your reaction. I became more calm as a driver because of my end-of-day self-reflections in examining why I reacted the ways I did and honestly reasoning with myself about it, which led to me catching myself in those reactions more and more until the unreasonable behavior waned into the past. It’s the same with my anxieties, although much more of a game of whack-a-mole and work in progress. But boy have those moles dramatically decreased their frequency in popping up and boy have I regained so much of my life by no longer ceding control of myself to them.

    If you want further resources, I strongly recommend reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. I can also recommend videos from The Daily Stoic with the asterisk that he can get a little… ‘markety’ every now and again. As I like to say; eat the meat and throw out the bones. And, of course, I always recommend finding a good therapist that you click with as this stuff is their specialty. I mean, obviously, sure, but I think it’s worth mentioning that much of modern therapy finds it’s roots in Stoic Philosophy. Anyway, I hope my wall of text is of some use to you or anyone else who took the time to read. I’m open to questions, comments, and any accusations… or just a shrug. It’s up to you, afterall, I’m not in control of you.😘

    TL;DR: Can relate, although not autistic. You’re not alone, your feelings are valid, I recommend Stoic philosophy, I give examples of how it helped me, read Meditations, and I feel gross for using an emoji, but like ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Damn, man. You really gotta call out my disengaged ass, don’t you? I think you make an extremely important and overlooked point here. In any kind of social movement it’s imperative that you gain a following for that movement. On an individual level, you do that with good reasoning and specifically not using unnecessary antagonism. It reminds me of all the leftists who were recently bemoaning all the apathy in the 2016 election for what they perceived as “I like whichever candidate, but their supporters were mean to me”. I mean, they’d be correct that this is a childish reason to disengage completely, but these are the exact same people you need to join in your social movement. Too many times we get so obsessive with the academic structure of a movement that we become blind to the world that would benefit from it. We forget that we need to find a way that others would be receptive to our message in how we present it. Truth at all costs is admirable on the surface, but how admirable can it be when the cost is mass dismissal because we felt entitled to be antagonistic toward those who don’t agree yet? So maybe I should put childish ways behind me and begin engaging with others in charitable and good faith.

  • This article and the paper it’s about concerns me. It’s already been pointed out in other comments that planetary bodies are inefficient as living surfaces and that they seem to only focus on Dyson spheres as the only megastructure when concepts like Dyson swarms not only exist but are already something we search for when looking for tech signatures. I could dogpile other factors that weren’t mentioned in other comments and their nuances that seem to have not been considered by these academics that include their misconceptions on the development of ideas about megastructure engineering, but I must emphasize the fact that I’m not a graduate-level academic in this field. I’ll grant that this paper will probably get demolished upon peer-review, but how did something this shallow even make it to that level? The paper reads like a collab of high schoolers banging out their section the night before it’s due.

    I’ll acknowledge that it’s anecdotal and possibly subject to a few different types of experiential bias, but I’ve seen an increase in shallow bullshit like this getting pushed in upper academia worldwide in a variety of subjects. I’d venture to guess that there are some metastudies on this subject, but it’s concerning that it appears as though the standards for higher level research have been diluted, which has a high possibility of not only shaking the confidence of the general population in those who should be experts in their field, but even casting unfounded doubt on our understanding of the subjects themselves. Not to mention other factors(that would be speculation built upon the admitted speculation preceeding) where there seem to be incentives on just publishing papers for the sake of publishing regardless of the quality, opportunities for bad actors to obfuscate the truth and promote harmful disinformation, and just another mechanism for honest actors and ancient academics to be forced to dig their heels in on established concepts in order to fight all the disinformation, leaving less time to push boundaries of knowledge in good faith.

    Look, I’m just some dude on the internet and I acknowledge that some or maybe even all of what I’ve said above could be way off base, but I fear that I’m spot on. And the idea of that just makes me… just so fucking tired.

  • NoTagBacks@lemm.eetoADHD@lemmy.worldADHD Thrive Institute
    1 year ago

    I will preface with the honesty that the people at that "institute"lack; I’m not a medical professional. I’m very good with philosophy, though, so I generally have a good bullshit detector.

    I took a look at the website. These people are quacks and actively harmful. There was a self-described “doctor” that was accredited by the same scam company of “alternative medicine” back in 2003 that killed a kid with bone cancer by giving him an infection from the injections of ‘treated’ blood. They collect all these bullshit “certifications” to make it seem like they’re legit, many of them might even legitimately believe this bullshit. First red flag for me was seeing them trying to treat ADHD(a neurodevelopmental disorder) primarily through nutrition. Then I’m seeing buzzwords like “treating ADHD naturally”, fake ass degrees from places like some quantum holistic school of alternative medicine or whatever, and loads of meaningless “coaching” certifications like “epidemic answers health”. I won’t mince words; these are predatory shitheads that actively harm people with their made up bullshit. Stick with legitimately licensed professionals and adhd coaches. You should even be careful with adhd coaches and keep in mind the primary premise of them being supplemental to psychiatry and therapy.

    Unfortunately, I’m quite familiar with evil predatory grifters that start shit like this. I’ve found in my own experience that many of these programs tend to start as corporate seminar pageantry that move the grift into the medical field. I have all the disrespect in the world for the assholes that start this bullshit since they actively make the world a much worse place and demonstrably KILL people with their intellectually dishonest bullshit.

    By all means, don’t take my word for it. Read the about section for these assholes and look up the programs they display as their accreditations. If you have any questions or objections about my assessment of these people, please ask and I will provide my evidence. These are bad people and I’m 100% ready to die on that hill 1,000 times out of 10.

  • Oh my god, that’s something that gets under my skin so very quickly and it’s sadly so common. It’s such a specifically arrogant kind of strawmanning where you’re telling someone else what they think sometimes even in direct contradiction to what they say. Like “you’re just jealous” or “you just want to ____”. It just reeks of anti-intellectualism and everyone is worse off with every use. We desperately need more people to learn the principles of philosophy, and maybe even more specifically of epistemology.