• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 29th, 2023

  • Don’t know the site you’re looking for - might have never seen it. But I saw a tip a while back: name YOUR scripts something like “,script” (with a comma, or other confortable to type character as 1st character). It would be odd to ever find a colision.

    I just don’t do that though! Too odd!

  • Thank you all. That’s what I thought - no way to make the query the way I was thinking of.

    I realize that, if i’d like to have a program search for repos not configured in sources.list, then I would have to specify the repo as well (the https:// link, I mean).

    The website half-fixes the problem, since it tells me the release the package might be in. But still doesn’t tell me whether it is in main, contrib or non-free (section?).

    Don’t worry about me creating a frankendebian by mixing releases - I destroy my system in other more subtle ways like adding appimage applications as if there was no tomorrow.