Obviously it’s pronounced the same as the the “g” in “gigantic”
Obviously it’s pronounced the same as the the “g” in “gigantic”
The incumbent president always runs.
Not always. Yes, usually, but definitely not always. See, for example, in the last 100 years:
Johnson in 1968 (he knew he had no chance against RFK and had alienated a lot of the base with the escalation of the war in Vietnam)
Truman in 1952 (low polling because of the war in Korea and other domestic issues)
Coolidge in 1928 (“The Presidential office takes a heavy toll of those who occupy it and those who are dear to them. While we should not refuse to spend and be spent in the service of our country, it is hazardous to attempt what we feel is beyond our strength to accomplish.”)
Granted, all three of these men served more than one full term in office because they each had taken over after the previous president had died, but each had the ability to run for an additional term and chose not to. Anyway, it is no more true that the incumbent president always runs than it is true that the VP always runs for the presidency at the conclusion of that term.
What other orientation could he possibly put it in? The dude rolled a nat 20. If he can’t get it to fit after a roll like that, then there’s really no hope.
I’m upvoting, not because I agree, but because this is probably the least popular opinion on this thread, and I commend you for taking such a stance.
Death by Snu Snu!
I’ve used “Joe’s roadside cafe, you kill em, we grill em” before
I think this is the best explanation I’ve ever seen to the reapond to the vertical video complaint. Thank you!
I think they are both good examples. Cruz is the example I specifically think of, but that doesn’t make good bad!
I’m unsure what your point is. Are you talking about social media companies, or are you talking about the government? Because free speech is about censorship from the government, not private corporations
… that just looks like you’re spelling racist wrong lol
We all know they’re in Mississippi, but there are chapters in some good states, too.
That photo of Ted Cruz phonebanking for Trump after Trump straight up insulted Cruz’s wife? That one photo was all I needed to know about the direction things were headed in for the Republicans.
“I’m holding your monkey hostage. If you can go one week without eating breakfast, I will return him unharmed.”
bonus points for combining the two in one post
Two terrorists one cup?
Um… Orwell was talking about speaking truth to power, not spreading lies and vitriol.
Considering how much hair Neelix had, I wonder if he tried to convince Kes to ignore the razor
Shitbreak won’t have a problem shitting at school anymore. Slipped a little something into his Moccachino.
(There are 2 Gs in the word “gigantic”)