I’ve yet to hear a good criticism of Biden that isn’t also true of Trump. Yet the media rarely writes a headline like “Trump should drop out/resign/kill himself”
Because he obviously won’t. He will pursue your freedoms, wealth and sanity until his dying breath.
Let’s build a museum past the moon!
Tourism is part of capitalism. You are correct.
Yep. No one disagrees. The meme makes a point because it could be trotted out for ever single new release. Including back to the sequels.
Latest episode is what we had all been waiting for.
It was mad. Definitely worth it.
States are the original gerrymandering.
Imagine if we redrew the state maps every few years. Oh no, my speed limit went down, I have to pay five cents per bag at the store, and the gax tax is not ten cents more per gallon. 😱😱😱
But then November roles around and my vote is way more powerful than it was because now 2 million people are election a senator and in my old state 50 million are also electing a senator.
States obviously used to have cultural sway but pretending they are real in 2024 is absolutely hilarious.
Gerrymandering is just the cherry on top. Well, the cherry in the House.
I mean the shows premier was a rocky start but it’s getting better. I think it’d a decent set up. Even the first three episodes of Andor were pretty slow. You have to set the stage. Introduce the characters. The plot. The season is going to be good, I’m very sure.
Probably harder on a tiger.
It’s on a positive trajectory however.
That’s great and fine but you can apply this meme to every new show 🤭
There’s a pattern.
That’s the joke. It’s not really a criticism. It basically implies Peter is being racist.
Definitely the simplest answer and aligns so far with out observations.
You used the word “just”.
I guess my angle is if we agree the market isn’t just, then maybe you just pay everyone equally? Don’t all people need to eat and have a place to sleep?
Candle or incense. Sure. I think someone who grew up Orthodox could say for sure.
God gave plenty more laws in the next few books of the Bible. The famous commandments about not mixing fabrics or cutting your hair? Yeah Moses of the Ten Commandments is behind that book too.
Yes but in a very specific way.
Everyone else is focusing on whether the rest of the world uses metric and not that fact that water pressure at a given faucet or shower head will be governed by bernoullis equation which will take 99 things into account such as:
The max height of the water reservoir
The height of your faucet
The design of the pipes leading from the reservoir to your faucet
Air pressure
The pumps in the system