If your subreddit had custom art then you could try to get that removed , but if the rules were based off the standard rules template for reedit then there is not much you can do there.
Karma based social media can be seen as failed social experiment that only lead to polarization , echo chambers , and shattered communities .
The word “chud” is an enormous red flag that someone is a radical who has a highly explosive anger disorder that is on a hair trigger.
In my experience they are always one step away from leaping over the table to kick someone on the face then walk away like they have heaven on their side.
Here is the reference :
All it takes is a push to make owning your own server rather than working on someone else’s server more attractive.
Exactly , rather than only forgiving existing loans that should make education free and also forgive existing loans , and perhaps give people who have already paid off their loan some kind of stimulus check as a kind of recognition that their struggle was just as hard as everyone else’s and they deserve a break too.