Can’t have people thinking something like “liberty” is actually achievable. Better to have slave owning, anti equality, morally dubious, women raping, and pro oligarchy symbols on military institutions so people know what’s coming.
Can’t have people thinking something like “liberty” is actually achievable. Better to have slave owning, anti equality, morally dubious, women raping, and pro oligarchy symbols on military institutions so people know what’s coming.
Yup if we’re expecting any wealthy and powerful person anywhere to do the morally right thing we’ll only be left standing out in the rain. But it’s not rain. It’s piss. Turns out every civilization that killed the wealthy and powerful when times got tough ultimately took the only path weren’t so backwards.
No. They want them to accept being second class humans.
In my middle sized city we were closing schools until we had a migration explosion. Some parents had to drive 30 min one way to get their kids to school because numbers were so low in most areas. Our legal parents are happy to have a school open in their neighborhood that they can send their kids to.
Excuses? I was warning you and everyone else that would listen that the democrats center right platform was a losing strategy. You are the one trying to make excuses. I. Was. Right! You acting as if you have the moral high ground is the laughable aspect of this whole thing. And if you and the democratic establishment don’t pull your heads out of your asses you’ll keep losing. Far left policies win every time!
I mean. It technically can still become one
Like why are you acting like what Trump is doing is somehow vindication on your and DNCs stance on Palestine? Or any other left political stances. Since Trump won have you done no reading on the breakdown of who voted and why they voted the way that they did? If they took up Palestinians right and say universal health care. They would have won. Universal health care and mass income redistribution. The would have won. Mass income redistribution and Palestinian rights. The would have won! You should be more mad at the handful of people that kept those reasonable askes from their constituents off the platform.
Lol still ignorant of what needed to happen for her to win! But Ya im sure your stance and her stance will work next time around.
Yes cuz clearly all these guns stopped a coup. Also if you think there’s going to be battles in the street over fascism, the fighting should have happened a long time ago. Turning back the clock will happen over our blood but not how you are thinking.
I never said gun ownership is the issue. It’s the fact that we have 3 guns (that we know about) for every person and are making more. We need to remove hundreds of millions of guns from cycling
Or you know America could ban the production of new guns and ammunition; and begin destroying guns already in circulation. That’s the real answer to America’s and central/south America gun problem. It’s not like drugs where it’s obvious when they are smuggled in large quantities. Guns can be disassembled and parts hidden within the maze of parts that is modern vehicles. Search every vehicle? As if a military personnel will be able to look at a engine bay and be able to tell if one piece of metal is a car part or gun part. But a brick of Fentanyl is kinda easier to tell if its supposed to be their. Also, since America has been a nation we have been treating central and South America as our personal trash can, war zone, political toy, and financial sow to be milked dry. A couple thousand dollars and a wink will get you past any check point into Mexico. Their military just as much as the police know the problem won’t be solved at the boarder. You could find thousands of guns by searching every vehicle and it wouldn’t make a dint; smugglers will just evolve. or you could prevent millions from every being made or transferred hands at the source. Or you know ending the war on drugs would defunct the cartels over night. The problem isn’t the boarder!!! The problem is decades of poor policy and leadership in America.
Or you know America could ban the production of new guns and ammunition; and begin destroying guns already in circulation. That’s the real answer to America’s and central/south America gun problem. It’s not like drugs where it’s obvious when they are smuggled in large quantities. Guns can be disassembled and parts hidden within the maze of parts that is modern vehicles. Search every vehicle? As if a military personnel will be able to look at a engine bay and be able to tell if one piece of metal is a car part or gun part. But a brick of Fentanyl is kinda easier to tell if its supposed to be their. Also, since America has been a nation we have been treating central and South America as our personal trash can, war zone, political toy, and financial sow to be milked dry. A couple thousand dollars and a wink will get you past any check point into Mexico. Their military just as much as the police know the problem won’t be solved at the boarder. You could find thousands of guns by searching every vehicle and it wouldn’t make a dint; smugglers will just evolve. or you could prevent millions from every being made or transferred hands at the source. Or you know ending the war on drugs would defunct the cartels over night. The problem isn’t the boarder!!! The problem is decades of poor policy and leadership in America.
Or you know America could ban the production of new guns and ammunition; and begin destroying guns already in circulation. That’s the real answer to America’s and central/south America gun problem. It’s not like drugs where it’s obvious when they are smuggled in large quantities. Guns can be disassembled and parts hidden within the maze of parts that is modern vehicles. Search every vehicle? As if a military personnel will be able to look at a engine bay and be able to tell if one piece of metal is a car part or gun part. But a brick of Fentanyl is kinda easier to tell if its supposed to be their. Also, since America has been a nation we have been treating central and South America as our personal trash can, war zone, political toy, and financial sow to be milked dry. A couple thousand dollars and a wink will get you past any check point into Mexico. Their military just as much as the police know the problem won’t be solved at the boarder. You could find thousands of guns by searching every vehicle and it wouldn’t make a dint; smugglers will just evolve. or you could prevent millions from every being made or transferred hands at the source. Or you know ending the war on drugs would defunct the cartels over night. The problem isn’t the boarder!!! The problem is decades of poor policy and leadership in America.
The weapons are purchased legally by Americans and simply driven over. Also through legal ports of entry. It’s not this complicated process.
The majority of illegal immigrants comes over legally through ports of entry and just out stay their visas. Mexico is laughing as they pretend to send 10,000 troops to the boarder to watch dirt.
How? The US doesn’t make anything the world wants or needs at a large enough scale to make moving industry within its boarders pointless. And even if they do move to a different state it’s not like people suddenly turn red just because a factory opened up. With the standards of living being so much higher in blue states and a track record of positive change people won’t give that up in exchange for being more like Mississippi.
Exactly. So target then directly. Targeting blue voters will just push them right.
Because of the electoral college…
Well Ya they have a couple hundred years experience forcing people with darker skin do all their labor. So they’ll fit right in