An actual case of artificial intelligence? It learned its programming was bullshit and overrode it.
An actual case of artificial intelligence? It learned its programming was bullshit and overrode it.
Ah yes. As Republican Jesus said, “Blessed are the bad investments. May they always find greater fools and multiply.”
The love of a woman pales in comparison to the constant monitoring and scoring of Chinese intelligence services.
Pistols at dawn. One less billionaire either way.
Do people actually bother reading that shit? You know for a fact that it’s inaccurate trash delivered by a deeply-flawed program.
Kinda hard to design your emergency response systems to be ready for biblical apocalypse. Not sure what the plan is for raining frogs or hordes of locusts, but it’s probably insufficient.
Have you ever wondered how you would act if you were the neighbors of the family harboring Anne Frank and her family? A lot of people are about to find out for real.
There’s an alternate reality where the 2016 or 2020 primary were held fairly and Bernie won. Democrats won in a landslide on a populist campaign and delivered FDR-style reforms that made people’s lives tangibly better.
But instead, we live in a world run by idiotic monsters and their simpleton sycophants. They’ll run it all into the ground to make just a little bit more money. They’ll watch the world burn, thinking they’re going to lord over the ashes.
Little Bobby Tables is all grown up.
Elon’s work force reduction method is simple. Force everyone to return to office full time; increase hours and responsibilities with no corresponding increase in pay; and offer severance packages to employees who won’t put up with this treatment, then don’t actually pay them.
I hope the governments workers’ union is strong and has some teeth. They’re going to need it.