For national security reasons the world should build a wall around the US.
For national security reasons the world should build a wall around the US.
Bring back the Blackberry.
Russia, Big Oil, fucking tech bro that makes electric cars, Trump works for literally anyone who would pay him and stroke his ego.
Only difference is that the Beetle was a good car.
A real man wears longjohns, ideally tucked into his boots.
Is it OIML approved?
My theory on Trump is that the guy bullshited everyone all his life and now, although all his words are scrutinized, continues bullshiting out of reflex.
From a different article:
“Of course, it will be open to both sexes,” added the prime minister. “I do not want to belittle the role of women here in any way, but war – due to physical conditions – is associated more with men.”
Reminds me of another place that took in a lot of scientists running away from a Nazi rejime.
This. Today I switched all my investments to Euro/EU only companies and funds, everything that has USD or US companies in the portfolio was a no-go.
Romanians be like: at the beginning or at the end of the war?
Is that the FIFA World Cup in the background?
In my country, a couple of years some neighbors got together and fixed a pothole on their street. They ended up getting fined by the local authorities for damaging public property…
So Dacia Spring?
The basement is for storing your winter supplies like jars of jam, pickled… anything… and the various alcoholic concoctions. Some have also a room for storing bikes and strollers.
Obviously, since the US can’t even afford eggs.