Don’t forget to mention how you think it affected you during childhood.
Also if you think your diagnosis is bullshit get a second opinion. My first diagnosis was negative because, and I quote, “Your job sounds too hard for someone with ADHD”
I got a second opinion online, with a more modern test, and was told I’m in the top 7% of ADHD symptoms.
Definitely depends on the cat. If I play with my big boy the finger coming out of a hole game I know I’m probably going to get hurt. But his brother doesn’t bring the claws out. I have another set of brothers who like to do the grab and bunny kick game with hands, one of them just kicks so lightly and the other will absolutely fuck up your entire forearm if you aren’t careful. None of the 4 have ever bitten me though. They do the fake out like they’re going to bite you really fast but they just touch their mouth to you.