I got a multimeter for DIY electrical stuff.
I got a multimeter for DIY electrical stuff.
Yeah saw that in South Korea. Separate bins for clear foil, coloured foil, clear hard plastic, coloured hard plastic, tins, and so on. Really made me appreciate the yellow bag in Germany.
I did not know that, thanks!
Passing the assessment and training process to become a commercial airline pilot. Definitely my proudest accomplishment.
I’d say it looks more exciting than it tastes.
You can cancel your subscription and start a new one locally at the cheaper rate.
My next older (middle) sister made repeated efforts to show me that I can’t rely on her, despite her best mediocre efforts to assure me of the contrary. So after giving her sufficient chances I‘m done with her.
Sadly it complicates my relationship with her children which, while being messed up in their own way, shouldn’t suffer because of their mothers actions.
Suchte gerade Ablenkung in einer Bar. Du hast mich zum Lachen gebracht, Danke!
Reminds me of the show „the good place“. Thought the replacements there are quite good. Like shirt, fork, bench, ash, deck, cork. The k in fork makes it hit better while „fudge“ just doesn’t scratch that itch when you need to express yourself with „fuck“
My native English speaker partner always makes fun of how I pronounce squirrel!
The four cases. Nominative, Genitive, Dative, and Akkusative with their accompanying articles. It makes learning German as a second language a nightmare and even native speakers struggle with it a lot.
First time I hear about the musk thing but it sounds tricky, yes. He got a lot of flack from the LGBTQIA+ community, which I really don’t understand even after watching all the specials „in question“.
For me it’s the . In the browser on iOS. The spacebar shrinks and gives space to the . button that I then constantly hit by accident
The „unmute“ button on redgif when it then just takes me to redgif itself.
Isn’t the biggest problem of desalination where and how to get rid of the brine safely, rather than the desalination itself?
The value I provide is taking over the risks and responsibilities of owning the apartment. Not everybody is willing or able to take out a loan of that size. The tenant maintains their flexibility of moving wherever they want or need to at relatively short notice. If there’s problems with the apartment I must figure it out, not them. It’s not my job by the way. The rent my tenants pay covers the bills I get for owning the apartment. I‘m employed somewhere else. What is your idea of doing it differently? Must housing be just free for everyone? Or everybody must just buy? I’m generally curious!
Don’t forget the „Freiwillige Feuerwehr“ that carries the bulk of firefighting capacity in German towns.
Controller wanted 180 knots until 4 miles final. Sent him a resounding „unable“ back. Not my fault if he can’t manage his separations.
Seriously. I rent out two apartments and people act like I’m a slumlord.
Remotely stop it why? How is that a safety feature?