Oil from the Sassafras tree can taste amazing if you can chemistry.
I feel for the young children and teens just stepping into adulthood. They are being manipulated and groomed when their minds are most malleabl, almost making it so they don’t have a true choice. I don’t have any sympathy for adults though; they are either weak minded or want to be accepted for someone other than themselves, but ultimately its still adults making their own shit choices. We should save the kids from their warped parents, teachers, and society but let the adults deal with the consequences of their dumb decisions.
To be fair, years of having troon acceptance shoved in my face i am happy to be labeled as hateful. I’m not going to physically attack any of the wrong bodied weirdos (although i wouldn’t help one either) but I have no problem with using “pRobLeMAtiC HatE sPEeCh” and memeing about their comically repulsive appearanc, mental issues, transition regret, and the statistical probability to off themselves.
Looks like they are going to bend the knee paying the API fees and moving the app to a subscription service. It should have just died off with class like all the others apps instead of paying to play by reddits new rules.
A 3d printer and the fosscad boys make gun ownership far more affordable these days.