Haha that’s the neat part
This Summer Chris Pratt Is…
Oh I made that decision decades ago
Im sorry am I the dnc? I don’t see you with any solutions 🤣
There’s no easy solution either way.
I vote in every election so I’ll continue to do my part, but the Dnc failed us and I’ll never give them a cent.
There will be plenty of time to rebuild after the boomers are gone.
This is my hope, and also why im just not letting myself get angry this time around.
There was never going to be any change or growth with this deadweight generation.
This isn’t over and time is on our side.
The plan is to fight on a local level, call your elected reps and make them fight or catalog all the not fighting they are doing so we can primary their asses with receipts.
I don’t think change is possible until after the boomers are gone, so until then Ill just show up to the midterms and do my part.
But this party has to go, and I think they need to keep losing until people lose all hopes in them and then we can form a new grassroots party.
Above all do not donate, if the elites own the party then the elites can pay for it too
Thats not true they could have given up the elites to form a more grassroots par-hahahha im sorry I fucking can’t
So we have to keep not donating for a long time then so they can really let it sink in.
Why should we fight for democrats when they don’t fight for us?
The Democrats were never going to meet this moment.
Who? Never heard of this guy, anyways
This is a pretty common joke, you would have heard it if you left your fucking house once in a while Gary.
So you’re telling me there’s still a chance
If ben carson could read he would downvote this comment
Good job you won the debate that I never cared about to begin with, my point was always that trump would be worse, sure biden did worse than nothing, you win that narrowly framed argument lmao.
Take your gold ribbon for a free smoothie at the new trump gaza resort and casino.
God y’all are insufferable. In no way am I simping for Biden. You did it patrick you saved gaza.
Moron has the same entomology as r3tard so its literally no better.
I personally don’t care because words evolve in meaning, but if you care you shouldn’t use either.
Idiot is acceptable since it comes from the greek term for common person.