Are you suggesting the direct action specifically during periods of protest or as an alternative?
's brilliant plan for reaching Mars
If there wasn’t a genocide going on, they would have been at brunch
True, but there is and they chose to risk arrest, suspension, and eviction to stand against it. It’s likely most aren’t leftists, but this act of protest could be the beginning of a new page of political consciousness for them
I’d hesitate to derogatorily call any of the students libs
As if libs will protest
This will catch more comrades than libs, and the libs will gleefully clap saying they should have voted for Biden
Libs will only realize what they’ve created when there’s no one left to protest their persecution by fascists because all the other groups with conviction have been targeted
We all know the poem
So Cuba should dissolve a government widely approved of by the people and return to client state gang run institutions for the ability to receive food? You’re a fucking idiot. Calling people sith lords, please learn to engage in world politics by using meaningful vocabulary instead of trying to equate everything to your favorite work of fiction
China should run port blockade
Pretty much what the researcher I was speaking with told me, the US is an entire generation of engineers behind China as it stands
Just as a glimpse into the American side, because we’ve created import bans on Chinese chip making components recently but previously offshored anything and everything to save a dime, public universities are unable to do significant research on developing PV cells because the only source for some niche aspects of the process are only made in China now.
As an added note, there is an incredible amount of concern about IP because ‘China will steal it’ and badmouthing of the Chinese government for, checks notes, subsiding R&D for PV cells and storage technology at a rate that massively outclips Biden’s flimsy recent CHIPS Act (which still hasn’t started distributing funds yet)
I hold no love for JFK, but it is admirable he was hoping to conduct joint missions with the USSR to the moon. For something as catastrophic as climate catastrophe, you’d think we’d all want to cooperate on creating the most efficient harvesting and storage technology as possible, but no, or proooofiittsss and IPPPPPPPP.
It’s things like this that make any alien movie or otherwise that shows humanity uniting for the continuation of the species laughable. The US would use it as an opportunity to nuke China then see if they could sell the aliens some oil.
I have a strong desire to get a PhD in environmental policy to try and get close to some form of person who can pass ideas to those who move the levers of power but have some idea that is pointless given how even the most mild assessments by people like the IPCC are ignored.
Issue is I feel like my STEM degree is equally useless because technology isn’t what’s holding us back even if I could get a job in a field that develops such technology. Unfortunately anything I see in renewables or power is out of reach with my experience and I’d spend just as much time making things worse in another industry racking up the requisite years of experience as I would getting said PhD
I logically understand a mass movement is our only solution but feel like I have to spend my 2000 hours or so a year working doing something related to climate or I’ll lose my mind. Anyone else thought through this at all and have insights?
Liquid Thorium Salt Small Modular Reactors address a lot of concerns.
By the name, they are smaller and modular which allows for a scalable solution to building which will address time and cost of construction. Thorium is not dangerously radioactive until it is being turned into fissile material inside the reactor and then the waste can be run inside it under specific ‘recipes’ to fully consume it which addresses another big issue.
Unfortunately it does create some problems surrounding proliferation, but at this point we’re all dead anyways, so I’m inclined to say fuck it, who cares. Proliferation concerns themselves seem like advanced powers pulling the ladder up and saying they get to be kings of the world and everyone else must be their subjects aside from the handful of MAD capable states.
Agreed there, vanity is really the only reason Trump got into all this in my eyes
Oh yeah I still think it’s a coin flip if he’s president in a year and change, don’t get me wrong, I just think Bush was able to accomplish all Trump did and much more with even less consequence
Say what you will, but that’s stupid to me.
He has the bag and then suffers consequences for apparently no gain besides saying what hogs want to hear whereas Bush also cut taxes, literally stole 2 elections, and lied the US into trillion dollar wars with no consequence and is seen as a painter now who makes Masterclasses
Well if you have to have 28 of them…
I think the DNC votes for it, not sure to be honest. vs vs showdown with possible special guests pritzger and newsom
It literally is, too many states have passed primary registration deadlines. Only option would be something happening at the DNC, which,
There’s an even older one
Idk I think Bush is definitely smarter seeing as he never suffered any consequences and Trump has been charged with crimes.
As our friend Parenti says:
Are our leaders stupid? Or are we stupid for not seeing how successful they really are at getting what they want?
Patriot act and everything else under Bush vs Trump getting some new hogs in Mara Lago