For OsmAnd+, there is another option for addresses. OpenSuperMaps joins national address registries with openstreetmaps. For American maps, it enables OsmAnd to make sense of American style address searches.
It is phenomenal.
For OsmAnd+, there is another option for addresses. OpenSuperMaps joins national address registries with openstreetmaps. For American maps, it enables OsmAnd to make sense of American style address searches.
It is phenomenal.
I see they’re looking to kill F-Droid.
I don’t knowvwhat mtls is, but Joplin has mostvof what you want. It does not have card layout native, but there might be a plugin for that.
For me, a C# developer by trade, this is easily solved with a one command C# call. It’s possible you already have dotnet 6 or 8 on your distro as there are many C# Linux apps now.
Easily solved: use F-Droid
Many, unfortunately, are so deep in doublethink the won’t believe that tricky Dick initiated the whole thing with the EPA, clean water or air act, and the endangered species acts. Some came after, i think, but he set it rolling. He was still a bad dude, but he did some good stuff
Your tablets are premium line. Mine is an A series - budget model - so it was getting old when it was first released. I have an S8 now, and that will last longer.
Freeing up ram helps in a few ways. First, you can fit more apps in memory, so less unloading. Second, more room for zram swap, reducing reliance on much slower static ram for swap, and prolonging the life of the sd chip, too. Finally, it means that massive spyware is no longer siphoning cpu time from user apps. It’s a win, win win!
I literally had this exact exchange with someone last year, when they tried to cast doubt on global warming by comparing it to the ozone. Another person did the same , using acid rain, and I pointed out that the northeast sued the shit out of the Midwest until they cut that shit with the coal fire power plants.
LineageOS GSI on my Samsung Tab 2019 Has made it still usable to this day, then there’s the one with microg on my Pixel 2XL. Getting rid of play services axed about 800M of RAM usage for me. The Pixel is on Android 14 and the Tab will be the next time I update.
We are out there, we own our devices, and get value out of them well beyond their predefined expiration dates.
That particular one is done as of October 2022. However, it looks like you are doing more intensive work on your phone than I am on mine. Perhaps I just lack imagination, but I never could figure out what I could do with tasker to improve my usage, and I understand what it can do. It’s just my life apparently doesn’t demand such solutions.
I personally never experienced the issues described in Firefox. Perhaps I was just lucky. I will say that Chromite is definitely snappier than Firefox. If you haven’t tried it yet, take a look. It is chock full of privacy protecting features, too.
I’ve had over 100 tabs open on my Firefox on Pixel 6 for months now. What are you doing that you can’t keep tabs open on Firefox?
Stateside here, and I agree that price is insane. Also, I like to root my phones , and Samsung makes that hard. that said, I am writing this on my tab s8 with a stylus. people forget that Saving for real needs takes priority! retirement is not free, after all.
I have a serious question for you. If a man is looking for a woman on a dating site, why would he post a bunch of pictures with women? I mean, it seems like it would raise more issues.
Do you want to see other women in his pictures to show that he is dateable? Maybe you want to compare yourself to his past relationships? As a man, I would not post pictures of me with women when I’m looking for a woman. The whole point is to highlight me and my eligibility, not raise questions of whether I’m a womanizer looking for my next conquest.
Then again, maybe that’s what you’re looking for? Someone who’s cool, and has lots of women hanging around him? I don’t know.
However, I do agree that if all he has on the profile is fishing, he’s probably not doing much else. I’d include a whole lot more stuff.
Funny thing is, what you say you seek is what I used to seek, but somehow I always ended up broke and overworked when i was with women. Maybe you’re one of the good ones I never found. Oh, well.
It’s going national next year if the Republicans gain more control.
This - and besides, industrialists have polluted almost every lake and river so that eating those fish might kill you slowly. Being able to both catch and cook is an exhilarating experience when out in nature, though.
As someone who does not use dating apps, it seems to me that a lot of men who are not city dwellers get lots of joy out of fishing. It seems rather insulting to demean someone for showing one of their favorite activities to potential mates. To those who would do that, I would ask why not simply move on quietly?
Now that I think of it, those men are dodging bullets like Neo. Smart guys. If I ever decide to put myself out there, I’m putting up pictures of myself at a campground with a fishing rod and bicycle in the background. That should weed out any women who expect four star resorts, expensive restaurants, and expensive toys for their mere presence.
I gave up after my second divorce, I hope you have better luck. Beware, most seem to be looking for free everything with no work for them.
This ship set sail in 1992. I’ve been referencing this very checklist for at least 20 years when
debatingbeing dismissively yelled at by conservatives. Everybody thought I was nuts.