Ba’ath you mean? I didnt know that, the only politician i know who followed this was Saddam Hussein
“okay but have you ever considered how bad the soviet union was?? Like im not a Nazi or anything but they did kinda have a reason to genocide Jews because a lot of soviet politicians were Jews and wanted to genocide Aryan Ukrainians to further spread the cancer of judeo-bolchevism.”
-Some lib on reddit who is definitely not a nazi sympathizer
so wait, lets view it form a different perspective: Tools costs, Resource/ Material costs and the Wage the Capitalist has to pay the worker so he can survive to work further are all Costs which the Capitalist bails out by surplus-value by letting the same workers work for more than the wage they are paid indicates…until the value extracted by the capitalists is enough to pay back the production costs and to keep a rest of profit fort themselves.
Is that right?
ohhh ok, thank you, but that would imply that the capitalist needs to buy the resources needed as cheaply as possible to have the maximum profit…which does make sense. The ingredients companies buy are often very cheap and low in quality and yet they sell it for disproportionate amounts of money even when considering the wage that the workers needs to be paid
but what if the media tastes really good
i know but me and my father always return to the same question: “then why dont we just vote away the negatives of capitalism” whose negatives are so tightly connected to the pillars that make up capitalism that you simply cannot just vote away some bad aspect of it without getting rid of it entirely
he can be but most of the times he is just a doomer who cries about human nature rather than thinking of solutions.
GOD i hate the millionairs moving to Portugal. They are the most useless pieces of meat on this planet, they dont have to worry about money, they just spend their rest of they life having vacation in their big mansions while people beg on the streets of these tourist hot-spots where they are located
Im from a well-off family and both of my petit-bourgeois parents are hardcore liberals who who hate china and bite into every US propaganda campaign. And thats how i grew up, me and my dad used to have the same political views “china bad, russia bad, americans stupid but still better than than the rest and our succdem system is the best system blablabla”. My father is a very political person and thats why i early on got interested in politics and got recommended alot of political content on my social medias. For a long time, all the politics i engaged with were senseless identity discussion with brain-dead Trumpists and i remember always getting angry when people pointed out the atrocities committed by the US empire as that would imply that the US and therefore us as a whole (US and the EU or the “west”) are bad. These useless discussions sucked the life out of me and just made me tired the entire day so one day i decided to simply not care about politics anymore…i didnt really care about who are the good guys or who are the bad guys which also meant i didnt care if the US is bad which opened up a way for me to take information and history in from a other perspective. Thats how whenever i saw some history clip or documentation calling out the US for its war-crimes i simply went along with it and thought “hm maybe the US isnt that good but i dont really care” to the point where after some time i realised: “wait…the US is SHIT and not for the reasons i thought”. Having realised how the big brother USA is bad, it made me question my own media i saw on national TV and Radio which all always were pretty Western-centric and pro USA and made me notice that it is nothing more than western propaganda what we are being fed. Knowing this is researched History from non-western perspectives, that eventually led me to bit by bit have more socialist-ish views until where im now, a ML
thank you for the explanation
thank you for giving these examples, i will try to explain these to my friends
oh excuse me, i used google translate for the scripts so they might be a little off, but they are supposed to say “to the future” in vitenamese, chinese (simplified), spanish, laotian and korean
It is this feeling, this current state of being, where everything is…capitatalist. Everything in our global capitalist society is an exchange of values determent by the current socio-economic system, everything is being comodified and everything is becoming business to the point where people cant imagine essentials like housing or water being free and not profit driven only for the people who can afford it. It is this sense that capitalism is the only thing existent, that capitalism is the only true socio-economic system and that every alternative has been tried and failed. People cannot imagine a future beyond capitalism nor can they even think beyond capitalism because capitalism is the only viable system, it seems to have become the very fabric of our observable reality.
ofcourse you can use it, all my art is free to use for my fellow comrades
here, i hope thats what you mean
I mean i agree with everything he has said so far but the one thing that bothers me a little is the ba’athism, and to be fair…i dont know a lot about ba’athism but isnt it like a little ethnically chauvinist? I know that Saddam Hussein tried to commit genocide against Kurds in Iraq.