Fuck, that’s extremely upsetting. Literally nauseating. That level of cruelty is genuinely unfathomable to me.
Fuck, that’s extremely upsetting. Literally nauseating. That level of cruelty is genuinely unfathomable to me.
The Americans still have to pay for the tents themselves, and then they get harassed by the police.
It was so close that you could hear the music from within Gaza.
This interview of Norman Finkelstein by Chris Hedges is thorough. He talks at length about grappling with the moral implications of the Al Aqsa Flood operation, including from his position as the child of two Holocaust survivors. He draws parallels with Nat Turner and John Brown and responses by William Lloyd Garrison and C. L. R. James.
Israel’s long war on Gaza w/Norman Finkelstein | The Chris Hedges Report 34:48 is where they talk about the music festival in particular.
Even the best climate scientists have been underestimating feedback, which is amplifying and accelerating the effects. A ton of models are linear when reality is exponential. We’re finally in 2023 seeing more climate scientists admit that they’ve been far too conservative/optimistic.
Abu U-bae-dah 😍
Khamenei predicts the State of Israel will be gone by 2040. Seems at least plausible, if for no other reason than global warming + the decline of the US.
You can save up to 30% on heating costs in the winter by being Karl Marx.
Too soon.
jk death to America
Critical support for comrade Zelenskyy in weakening western imperialism and thwarting the Zionist regime!
los cohetes estan en las ciudades
During the Ferguson uprising after Michael Brown was murdered, Palestinians on Twitter recognized the weapons police were using on protestors, like matching teargas canisters.
I thought the same thing at first, but her thesis is actually that shit is royally fucked and deteriorating rapidly, just that things won’t be over for everyone all at once. The world as we know it is ending, but there are decades of struggle ahead of us.
The only people to have ever died in space were the three crewmembers of Soyuz 11.
Listen to Big Church by sunn O))) from Monoliths & Dimensions to hear Attila Csihar chant this word a bunch of times.