• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I get that, but this was also meant as an actual question, it’s nice to see some of these posts direct me to better information while explaining what’s wrong with the information and sources I have. I live in the US, so it’s hard to not only find some neutral sources, but also figure out which ones are propaganda for either side, and which ones aren’t without knowing where to start. Some of the replies on this have been extremely informative and a great eye opening experience, while others (I’m guessing) assume that I’m just another liberal trying to attack communism. Which is wrong, I’m just a new tankie with outdated and wrong information trying to understand this community a bit more.

  • I now know those numbers were wrong. Like most other internet historians, I used Wikipedia and didn’t have time to double check those numbers as I was in the bathroom at work (always poop on the clock ;) ). That’s on me. Even Wikipedia has largely differing numbers on that matter. One said 1.8 million, another said 14, and I think it’ll be almost impossible to get right numbers because of the secrecy the USSR had during that time (especially during the Cold War). I know he did great things, but I truly believe that those are far overshadowed by the shady and cruel things he did. Another specific example would be his infamous Order 227. I acknowledge that he did a great job of mobilizing the economy and industry to help defeat the Nazis while being in an active invasion. That being said, I believe we can find better communist leaders that didn’t kill at least 700,000 of his political opponents to maintain power, with some sources estimating between 650,000 and 1.2 million. That last link is directed to a PDF from the Jackson School of International Studies. Like I said, I know he did great things, and we should draw a light to those actions, but we shouldn’t blindly say he was great. I think we have different people in history that set a much better example, like Fidel Castro for one. None of this was meant as a personal attack, just trying to back up my points of view and explain why part of my post was just numskullery :)