More to consider when selecting an airline. Greedy fuckers, I hope their stock takes a nosedive thanks to this
Once in a while you get shown the light, in the strangest of places, if you look at it right
More to consider when selecting an airline. Greedy fuckers, I hope their stock takes a nosedive thanks to this
I mean I have different opinions than most Libertarians but I applaud the true Libertarian POV of “leave me the fuck alone”
If I lived alone on an island, I’d probably be one too.
But, considering the government (Republican or Democratic) will take whatever the fuck they want from my wages and then gouge me again on sales tax, I just want to dump as much of those taxes into helping others and the rest can go to helping to maintain and expand green spaces as well as infrastructure and roads.
Concrete has been the building block of humanity and will also be our undoing.
I know that solar panels have to be cleaned pretty regularly to function with high efficiency. My guess would be that the cost and labor to clean the panels would be pretty high.
Quoting from National Geographic:
Winds at speeds of about 100 kilometers per hour (60 miles per hour) sweep through some deserts. With little vegetation to block it, the wind can carry sand and dust across entire continents and even oceans. Windstorms in the Sahara hurl so much material into the air that African dustsometimes crosses the Atlantic Ocean. Sunsets on the Atlantic coast of the U.S. state of Florida, for example, can be tinted yellow.
So heavy winds and lots of dust can make wind power more efficient in desert environments
So if the Israelis block the aid their weapons packages should also be blocked, right? Not that the US should’ve given them in the first place, but if they’re not gonna let humanitarian aid in, then I guess we should just give the bombs to Palestine
In this scene, yes
Something, something, separation of church and state
No government money should be spent on religion. If you as a private citizen decide to donate your money towards theology enjoy — in fact, I’ll provide an account number that you can throw it into, but keep the theology out of things that I already detest my tax dollars funding.
I don’t want the war machine. I don’t want its BS themes!!
…unless they pay a fuck load of money, then we’ll happily provide and advance it and provide all Bing search data as well
Gotta do something to replace the Marvel section that Disney owns
While I agree that Ticketmaster is a fucked up monopoly, the only one fucked were those buying tickets. Taylor will easily survive another day; those that sold their pancreases for a seat…not so much
You know, firing C level employees creates a lottttttttta cap space for actual employees!
Fucking let them! It’s not like that’s not the Israeli plan in the first place. Issue the warrants, arrest and convict the lot of them and end this fucking rock vs a hard place situation that we’ve had for beyond my lifetime
I know, I’m a fucking idiot, but I just can’t understand murder
…like, why?
Don’t let the British Europeans THE RICH off the hook. Their hands were just as dirty. ARE STRANGLING HUMANITY
Awesome news, I was super concerned with the last post and I’m happy to see this update. While not perfect, it’s much better than I expected from the internet today. Vive le Blue!!!
I wrote that then deleted it cause I wasn’t sure how you address it internationally. Where PBS is broadcast in the USA, the internet is open to the world.
But, you’re right! It should be publicly funded. I’d have no problem with my tax dollars going towards that.
Exactly why he can’t become president again (amongst a plethora of other reasons)
So you’re saying there’s a chance he’s just gonna disappear one day. DON’T YOU TOY WITH MY EMOTIONS IF YOU DON’T REALLY MEAN IT!!
In America, if a corner exists a company will cut it.
Where the fuck are you?
Why don’t presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?