Yeah, he had one of those, but he used it in addition to. I don’t know the exacts of his condition, but he was using the bidet irregularly but the wet wipes all the time.
Yeah, he had one of those, but he used it in addition to. I don’t know the exacts of his condition, but he was using the bidet irregularly but the wet wipes all the time.
My former roommate had gastrointestinal issues and used wet wipes because they were less irritating to his skin. But he just bought regular wet wipes not this gendered nonsense.
Nah, that man faked cried on his show so regularly, I don’t believe he is capable to really cry, at least on air.
And the 'if real" statement (absolutely not real) is wrong - he wouldn’t cry because of the existential dread that naturally comes with processes like that, he would cry because of his persecution complex “uhuhu they’re so unfair to me” which arguably is worse.
Not because he is a whiny baby, but because all his rage and anger are so impotent.
When he is reporting something he is not straight up lying about he just skims the headline and then makes up stuff about it. You can sometimes see his brain work in real time, for example when he spots something in the body of the article that actually goes counter to his narrative he just yadda yaddas right past it and immediately moves on to something entirely different.
aber das wäre wohl zu unverständlich
Das hat euch Zangendeutsche doch noch nie davon abgehalten völliges Kauderwelsch niederzuschreiben.
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In Germany the city does that at least in smaller cities. Twice a year you can put all stuff that doesn’t go into regular trash out at the street and it gets collected. Think broken furniture, old electronics etc. People empty their garages and basements of all the stuff that accumulated. It’s common to have a walk through the neighborhood on these days to see if there is some cool stuff in there. Got my first skateboard that way as a teenager.
Well at least Tucker was fired over it?
I thought all of them were from welcome to the jungle…
Außerdem die sprachliche Nähe zu Doppelmoral ergibt mehr Sinn im Kontext, Zwiedenk ist näher am Zwiespalt und impliziert damit unter Umständen einen Konflikt mit dem Inhalt, welcher ja nicht vorhanden ist.
I knew flaneur as an adjective in German, for example when you go on a walk through a shopping street, without any intent of shopping you go “flanieren”. Just having a walk, looking at stores and people.
Yeah, I’m a policy wonk too. I didn’t want to talk too broadly because I didn’t pay too much attention to Greenwald in the Infowars universe, but I heard the Q&A episode with Greenwald just recently so I was confident to not mix up too much.
It’s episode #709 2 Dan’s 2 War.
Yeah the documentary is nuts, Alex Lee Moyer is a such a hack, just letting Alex Jones assert things over an over without any interest in finding out if the things he says are true OR even remotely resemble anything he said in the past, is just terrible craftsmanship.
But, the endgame documentary made by Jones himself is way funnier, like that a lot of his source documentation is just left blank or “insert quote” or fucking dead Encarta links, that so shitty and dubious you have to admire the braveness to just put something like that out there.
There are few journalists willing to go against the status quo, even after going through constant smear campaigns and bad press from legacy media types!
Eeeh I have recently heard excerpts of his interview with Alex Jones about the documentary “Alex’s war” and oh boy did Greenwald sell his soul on that one.
Alex Jones unpromted says “I didn’t lie on purpose” 4 times within a couple of minutes, a couple of more times throughout the interview and Greenwald just ignores it.
For starters that’s not what a lie is, either you made a mistake or you lied. Furthermore he says that so often and always unpromted, which journalist would just ignore that?
Since it was a promotional interview for the documentary he likely got paid for it, but to have so little integrity to just let that fly made me question everything Greenwald did from that point on. I mean to take money from Alex Jones for an interview is a bad move from the jump, then leading an interview that doesn’t even address the answers Jones gives is bad, but to ignore that sentence at least 6 times completely is willfully shitty journalism to me.
Just to make sure, I am not questioning what he reported in the post, it is clearly and thoroughly documented what Israel did to the Palestinians during all of its existence. I am questioning Greenwalds motives and journalistic integrity in a broader sense than what was reported here.
it took 2 nuclear weapons and the promise of more, and they were already in the verge of losing.
Some historians argue that the bigger factor was the sowjets preparing to enter the war against Japan and that the nuclear bombs just kind of sped up the decision that was coming anyway.
Yeah I once saw a “colorization” done by AI from a photo from the early 1900s or something, it was a photo from a house and some people in front of it, Russia or Ukraine somewhere.
The thing is that the photo that was used was in fact a color photo that they turned black and white and then gave it to the AI. The AI used very muted colors, a little beige a little dark green - colors you would expect from a photo of that time and region. In the original you could see, that the colors where actually very bright and plentiful, the house was a bright yellow not beige, the green fence was not dark green but bright green, the accents on the house were not brown but red. The people in the AI colorized picture had black, white, dark blue clothes, a man had a brown hat, in the original they wore blue dresses, yellow blouses, the hat was red and so on.
Of course you can extrapolate some things but the original photo was so colorful, these people clearly painted the house bright on purpose and they wore very bright clothes but the re-colorization was so much less colorful and it gave a wrong impression of the reality what was photographed. Of course the old film wasn’t perfect and the colors maybe were also a little off - but it showed how many different colors were present in the original.
Ah, I was not aware thank you!
Is Cassettes a mistranslation? Or am I missing something here?
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Especially when the palm trees are standing in the shadows.