Haha! Roasted!
Haha! Roasted!
Haven’t gotten back around to the Ultimate Alliance games yet, but I recently picked up the XMen Legends games that preceed them on the OG Xbox.
Still quite a bit of fun.
I actually found and picked up Midnight Sons when I was looking on the PS store to see if those games had been ported.
I love Midnight Sons. It’s very similar in a lot of ways but the gameplay is quite different. I’m told it’s like XCom games by the same company, but I’ve never played that.
Interacting with your team back at base is definitely bigger than in XMen legends, and for some gamers it was too much… a bit of ‘friendship simulator’ to it to increase team chemistry etc.
The gameplay is card based. I recommend looking up a video if curious. It’s not for everyone, but those who love it really love it. Count me as one of them.
His name was Marauder Shields…
In his essay “To Tell a Chemist” (1965), Asimov proposed a simple shibboleth for distinguishing chemists from non-chemists: ask the person to read the word “unionized”. Chemists, he noted, will read un-ionized (electrically neutral), while non-chemists will read union-ized (belonging to a trade union).
Breakthrough Starshot project is working towards accelerating a probe close to 20% of C. That’s a significant fraction of C in these terms.
Even if we could get to .25 C, that would be 80 years for the probe to get there, and then 20 more for the data to come back.
But yes, that is still VERY close.
They may not be depicted accurately, but they do happen.
Doordash charges restaurants a percentage of the gross from the sale. Rather than eat this cost, restaurants are encouraged but not forced to add a markup on the prices they give Doordash (or insert your favorite third party delivery app here). They all do it.
If you order from a store’s own website though, Doordash (I don’t know if other third parties do this) did not “find” or create the business/order… they are really only handling the delivery portion.
In this instance, they still have some fees but do not take the large percentage, as that is a finder or broker fee. They aren’t bringing the restaurant the business, it’s the other way around.
Thus, restaurants can use their normal pricing. If you can find the places near you doing this, it’s a much better deal than using Doordash normally.
I bought the whole show on DVD a few years ago because it wasn’t streaming anywhere. No clue if it was ‘accurate’ though.
Just noticed it’s now streaming on prime a few days back.
Thought I was buying a normal copy of the Drew Carey Show, but it was definitely not. Still enjoyed it.
Not with teeth like that!
I disagree on this point. Say what you will about midichlorians, but even before they were introduced, not everyone could use the force.
Granted that wasn’t explicitly stated in A New Hope… that random farm boy was already special because he was the son of a great Jedi Knight.
I’m nearing the end if my Marvel Suns phase… picked it up on sale on the PS5 a few months back. Played through twice… am hanging on to that last little bit of the playthrough.
I still snagged the Epic one immediately. Downside is that if I ever get back to beat the PC version, I’ll probably have to grab the DLCs… not so much for the missions and characters as for Morbius’ lab, which allows you to bump up your stats and make your characters even more OP and take on harder difficulties.
I thought for the longest time that homeopathy was just a generic name for alternative medicines or something. Wasn’t for me regardless so I never gave it a second thought or dug into it.
Someone recently explained what it was to me and I just started laughing. Hilarious. Kinda. I had no clue.
Also true that Biden cancelled it in his first months in office… Who knows how long it takes to get fully up to speed on everything bad we have going on?
Also Also true that it started and ran longer under a different regime.
How’s the story?
Yeah, I’m not suggesting anything different be done to mitigate, just pointing out what us stupid Americans do sometimes.
I caught it fine this time, but I’ve been confused before because I generally browse ‘All’ because of the content amount. I don’t always catch the community right away. It’s not an entirely unreasonable mistake.
I have it installed so I can randomly play it every few years.
Only game I ever torrented, because I had bought it and lost it multiple times.
I loved the Gameboy game by a similar name but never tried any other versions, figuring it wouldn’t translate well. Sounds like I was right.
To this day, the only thing that has scratched my swinging itch since I was that young kid has been the insomniac Spiderman games.