New account here:
Not sure if that works here so here is your reminder instead :)
(Image of a blank text field with the label ‘Social Security Number.’ Underneath the text field is Google’s password autofill with the text ‘Use Strong Password’: ‘158357341’.)
about to lie to the government by using my google generated SSN
(Image of Microsoft’s Clippy saying, “It looks like you’re trying to commit financial crimes. Would you like some help?” with the options ‘Yes’ and ‘No’.)
21.5K notes
“if no art makes you feel anything, make your own art and feel something” is too raw of a line to have come from a jenna marbles video of her painting a rainbow/polka dot seahorse saying “it’s seahorse time” on a denim jacket
(Gif of from the aforementioned Jenna Marbles video with her wearing the jacket.)
Why do you people feel profound thought has to come from high places? The gutter looks at the stars too
250.1K notes
Any plans for improving SEO? One of Reddit’s biggest strengths was being able to get very relevant results with a simple internet search. In time can you see something similar for Lemmy, even with its decentralized nature? I really you for doing this, thank you for your time!
(Image of an edited xkcd webcomic; the comic features two stick figures talking back and fourth):
(Stickfigure #1) Creepypasta history IS SECOND NATURE TO US web horror fans SO IT’S EASY TO FORGET THAT THE AVERAGE PERSON PROBABLY ONLY KNOWS the ben drowned arg AND ONE OR TWO slender series
(Stickfigure #2) AND OF COURSE.
(Stickfigure #1) OF COURSE.
^ me shocked that normal people don’t know ben drowned lore
I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that Ben drowned.
you cannot begin to imagine what happened to ben
i went to find out what happened to ben
(Screenshot from of the Ben drowned creepypasta, at the bottom of the picture is an advert):
Am I Gay Test
Am I Gay? Take this gay test to determine if you are gay, straight, or bisexual
(Same screenshot but cropped to emphasize the “Am I Gay Test” advert)
27.9K notes
Seems odd that proton would block a privacy respecting image host, but I’m glad you figured it out :)
+1 for Catppuccin, it’s my all-time favorite theme and I would love to see it here!
(A screenshot from the app formerly known as Twitter)
Dexerto @Dexerto
Tweets will now be called an X
(Two images, the first is a screenshot of Elon musk replying to an “X”. The second is the old Twitter Bird logo)
hotinebing.eth @hotinebling
Replying to @DexertoThat is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard, and I own NFTs.
16.1K notes
80% is a massive improvement! Nice work!
This feels like something that would pop-up on your pc after you try to download a Minecraft mod from the third page of bing
Catbox is blocked in a lot of places unfortunately, this is from their FAQ:
Why can't I access Catbox/access files on Catbox (
Good question! It turns out certain governments in the world hate freedom of information, don't have net neutrality, don't see online service providers as legally exempt entities, or a combination of the three!
You will have issues accessing Catbox/files on Catbox if you are connecting from the following countries or providers:
Why? - The Australian government had a heart attack after the Christchurch shooting, and decided that Catbox was a terrorist propaganda spreading website, and has instructed multiple Australian ISPs to implement DNS blocks of Catbox's domains.
How to resolve? - Changing your DNS servers to a public server (i.e.,, or or utilizing DoH should mitigate this problem.
Why? - Unfortunately the love of footy has overtaken the sensibilites of the British and Irish governments, and they have decided to implement an IP level block on Catbox's primary IP address, due to clips of games being uploaded to Catbox..
How to resolve? - You will need to utilize a VPN in order to evade this traffic hijack.
Why? - Unknown, but I'm sure you can probably make some pretty accurate guesses.
How to resolve? - You will need to use a VPN to bypass the IP-level block.
Why? - Unknown, but I'm sure you can probably make some pretty accurate guesses.
How to resolve? - You will need to use a VPN to bypass the IP-level block.
Comcast/Comcast Business
Why? - Comcast Business' "SecurityEdge" hijacking attack intecepts traffic going towards Catbox. Residential customers are blocked by "xFi Advanced Security" I have been unable to determine if this is a DNS level block, or an IP level block.
How to resolve? - Comcast Residential: Disable the "xFi Advanced Security" hijack on your router. Comcast Business: Disable the "SecurityEdge" hijack on your account. See here.
Why? - Quad9 actually pulls an aggregate list of URL blacklists and uses them for their filtered DNS service. Catbox is frequently added to no-name blacklists for various reasons.
How to resolve? - Use Quad9's alternative DNS server, or switch to another public DNS server.
Kinda crazy how my first cellphone didn’t have a camera or internet and 17 years later this thing knows more about me than I do and gives people brand new mental ilnesses.
my parents: “We bought you a cellphone so you can contact us if your bike gets a flat tire on your way to school!”
(in red text)
Cursed Artifact (common item) has been added
to your inventory
97,795 notes
I like this article, it’s nice seeing a detailed look into Lemmy and Kbin instead of the usual “wHaT iS aN InStAnCe? FeDeRaTiOn iS sO cOnFuSiNg!1!!”
radiofreederry asked:
You’re always talking about your damn grain tributaries. As if they’re anything special.
cryptotheism answered:
You’re just jealous because your tributaries are 34% millet and your peasants are weakened by scurvy. You are jealous of the fertile river delta I control with several magnificent forts.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Your horse archers could never hope to best mine. Your bronze is of inferior quality.
Mad because my river delta means my cities can only be besieged by naval forces you don’t have.
Jumping up and down furiously and demanding that my court poets draft declamatory verses comparing you to a mandrill.
I am unaffected by your epic poetry because of my bountiful grain tributaries
7,295 notes
(A photograph. To the left in the foreground is a sign that reads “CAUTION BEAR IN AREA” with a depiction of a bear on it, and to the right in the background is a black bear standing on a pathway.)
There he is
The bear in area
His arrival was foretold in ancient murals
26K notes
I should start posting franz kafka style diary quotes but it’s from my journal from when I was 11/12 and obsessed with naruto
-Saturday 02nd October, 2011. 8:45pm.
-Saturday 05th November, 2011
-Wednesday 28th December, 2011
55.6K notes