I’ve used a start menu alternative since I switched to 11. I get the hate for the os but it’s all just been a non issue for me.
I’ve used a start menu alternative since I switched to 11. I get the hate for the os but it’s all just been a non issue for me.
It’s pretty obvious that once the sales for the game tanked after the initial release that Bethesda just wrote the game off and reallocated the resources to other projects. There is a good amount of potential in the setting if problems were fixed and mod tools were released but a lot of the bones of the game are just bland and uninteresting.
The uniform that both men and women wear in the movie are cut to show off the amazing fisique of the female lead but the cut is totally working on the male lead also.
Yeah, in any workplace I’ve been in any physical contact would have been out of line
Franks is a classic but anyone I know makes better buffalo sauce using Crystal hot sauce and butter. It’s a bit less acidic. That deli counter buffalo roast chicken is weirdly good also.
The school administration really seemed to drop the ball here. It seems like there were a lot of blatant warning signs.
What it really meant when people talk about living fossils etc is that the morphology of the creature has changed very little. Genetically and on a cellular level there would definitely be a lot of changes from their earlier forms millions of years ago. DNA just doesn’t stick around for more than a couple hundred thousand years maximum it seems so it’s difficult for us to chart those changes that aren’t visible in morphology. Creatures that seem to not change drastically in such long scale time usually have niches and environments that haven’t changed drastically in their existence.
I found the most moral use of AI using Artifact as my news app. There is a feature where you can “Mark as clickbait” an article’s title and it reads the article to generate a new title that actually is relevant to the content of the article. I think the devs have stopped development of the app though.
I wonder what portion of that is steam decks.
I’m convinced that these conspiracies are spawned from racism towards non white civilizations. It’s easier for them to believe an imagined space God came there and built something rather than the indigenous people. There is also probably some need to believe that we are always at the peak of human progress in all things but in reality the story is more complicated.
I think the tactical nukes will slow their ambitions for another hundred or so years. We can’t take these posturing fools seriously.
I guess it shouldn’t be surprising to me that almost everyone here is picking the lotto ticket with how popular gambling is. I’m just disappointed in y’all.
Doom had multiplayer over lan that I would say fits in that definition. For me personally arena shooters are more about movement speed and how weapons/health are managed as power ups to be found and managed as a recourses. I don’t consider multiplayer to be a requirement for the genre basically.
I always preferred the term “Arena Shooter” but it may have more specific meaning than any game that vaguely has elements popular in fps games of the 90s that I think “Boomer Shooter” is usually trying to communicate.
Every science news article these days. “Strange ‘Banana Hammock’ star discovered!”
I was a teenager at the right time to discover their newer stuff first (Soundtrack to Your Escape) and then went back and loved their earlier albums. It was a bit of a drag hearing fans chanting “Play the old shit” the couple times I saw them live. I can’t say I’ve listened to much of their newest albums but it was fun to enjoy anything they played at the time.
Even then religious rituals is a bucket explanation used when archeologists have no idea why something is a certain way. If something is weird about an extinct animal then it’s always for mate selection reasons. The same sort of thing.
The title makes no sense. Dusk came out in 2018. So they are saying Dusk was an new property and not a sequel to a game from the from the 90s? I guess new article titles are just meant to annoy people these days.
Ya’ll are missing out. Mochi with red bean paste is amazing. It’s about the sweet and savory combination. Pretty similar to how halva works.
Mercury alone is safe enough to handle a bit where you would be mostly worried about breathing too much of its vapor. Organic compounds of mercury on the other hand can kill you within days of a drop touching your skin.