I think it’s fine but it’s still an unfortunate recognition of A sad truth
I think it’s fine but it’s still an unfortunate recognition of A sad truth
I always compare life before studying the eternal science to that feeling when you forget that you left the fan on over the stove. There’s just this nagging anxious feeling that doesn’t go away. Then when you shut the fan off there’s still a mess in the kitchen but atleast you can fucking think!
But chairman Xi what about our emotes!?
“The economy is great!” Proceeds to describe economic nightmare
This seems like a huge deal
Thanks that’s very encouraging and helpful!
Damn I’m already behind on my communism homework
I like to imagine you’re @Dirt_Owl@hexbear.net but you slip into this alt when it’s time to drop knowledge on em
You should anything else would just leave the door open for all these awful Sea lions
We are explicitly a left unity community and Your first (racist) meme was explicitly against left unity and you literally included our logo in this one. If that isn’t goading us what would be in your eyes?
“I actually like the chance to be criticized from the left.“
Is this a joke? Every good faith criticism you have received from the left you act as if it is some dog pile attack and like you didn’t invite this debate with your first extremely divisive (and racist) meme. You kept repeating Ad Nauseum that you “didn’t owe anyone a debate” and telling us we’re “sea lioning”. Guess what dipshit? You know what criticism from the left is going to feel like: A DEBATE!
In what way does that behavior demonstrate that you are in any way open to left criticism? I presume you just conveniently omit anyone who you see as a “Tankie” from “the left” you are ok being criticized by.
You are a terminally reddit brained person who colors themself as an Anarchist because you like the aesthetic. You are happy to punch left and carry water for Imperialism because it gives you some individualistic and smug sense of moral correctness. That feeling is obviously more important to you than understanding AES states on their terms and learning from what they did right and what they did wrong without moralizing like the child that you are.
Your convictions are as strong as apple sauce. These two posts have made it abundantly clear to me that without some fucking humility, self Crit, and willingness to engage with other leftists who disagree with you (re: DEBATE) you are the kind of “leftist” who would sell out a successful left wing movement if there ever was one because they were “too authoritarian”
If Hexbear users are so bad do us a favor and de-federate because this is clearly a waste of everyone’s time and energy.
Just defederate then if we’re so bad you fucking dork
“Nor did all the millions and millions of workers who supported each of these leaders. How unfathomably arrogant to think that the millions of committed revolutionaries that worked tirelessly to build socialism in these places were too fucking stupid to see they were working for the ‘wrong’ ideology, that they should have rejected their leadership organization and just slotted in your preferred coterie of “libertarian socialists & anarchists” and that would have simply solved all their murderous authoritarian ways. A nice horizontal, non-hierarchical, non-coercive network of free-organizing collectives would definitely have stood up in the face of the Wehrmacht, wouldn’t it!“
Well fucking said Comrade. This part right here is the thing that always clinches it for me. Whatever can be said in anarchisms favor as an ideology, it all dissolves once the question is asked “how does Anarchism defend itself from a fascist state?”
I don’t have a single issue with anarchists that have the humility and intellectual honesty to accept the clear and obvious shortcomings of Anarchism in regards to revolutionary defense. In fact I admire them for wanting to reconcile those contradictions. It’s not an easy task and that’s what accounts for their rarity more than anything else IMO.
If you call yourself an Anarchist because you have aversion to hierarchy, violence, and big books, you’re just a child, or more likely, an American with the political understanding of a child.
Fucking heroic post o7
I wonder more and more every day; in what meaningful sense has WW3 not already begun?
Little do the tankies know that the Chinese Economy is on the brink of collapse. Unlike this erudite amateur internet economist. Your days are numbered evil CCP!
Racist tropes don’t have an expiration date what are you talking about
Gotta say I was expecting some friction with ya’ll at lemmygrad after Federation (because we are all libs on hexbear) but so far you folks rock and I have been very pleased to see your high quality posts on my feed.
Loving to see posts like this. Can’t remember the Sankara quote but ya’ll know it. Cannot get tired of explaining ourselves because when the people understand us they will side with us.
Loving having new comrades in the posting trenches with us.
This is really sad