That simply doesn’t happen to me, had a fan on my face my entire life
That simply doesn’t happen to me, had a fan on my face my entire life
I absolutely need the fan noise since it’s steady and keeps me cool
If I thought there were pictures of naked girls on the other side of a brick wall and I had no tools, I would have fucked that wall to dust to get at them. I might have been an aggressively horny boy tho. Also FYI I wound up having sex at fifteen, so get that talk in ASAP.
You know you can just delete your advertising ID on Android without an issue
David Sirlin actually made chess 2 years ago, you can go try out its different armies
Oh shit we just found the dumbest fuck on Lemmy lol
Teams is the evolution of the excellent Microsoft Lync which then became the horrible Skype for Business which then was replaced by the superior Microsoft teams.
Tim Curry screaming, “my scratchy cat will rip yer bones bare!” Is great if you’ve never run into it
That said I’ve never heard of any of these movies
I have raved with co-workers and they def weren’t who you’d expect to be at these things. Everyone can dance and hug it out all night
I have a few
A Dexa scan I had done revealed that I have an incredibly dense skeleton in the top 1% of the US national database. It sounds neat but it does absolutely nothing to stop all the soft tissue damage that sports accumulates.
A genetic test revealed I have the super taster gene, some things taste godly but mostly things people like taste bad to me. Coffee, beer, wine for instance are all repulsive.
I have no refractory period. I can pretty much have sex as long as I want and cum over and over again. Record for a single session was 19 with a kinky femdom I used to play with. Despite what all of those female rap songs tell you, there actually aren’t very many women that are ready for Mr all night when he shows up.
I heal incredibly fast, I had major surgery and I blew past all the normal milestones for recovery.
I have central heterochromia in both eyes which I’m told is attractive
I also likely have the genes for FNSS (familial natural short sleep) which basically just means that I am genetically predisposed to only require 4 to 5 hours Sleep a night to feel completely refreshed.
It’s actually 3rd. I think you’re forgetting about how massive azure is
Theoldreader.com is a good clone
I thought I posted a reply but apparently I did not. Generally, my advice is that you need to treat everything like a really long journey and let yourself take breaks for birthdays or trips as appropriate, but get right back on track Monday morning.
Edge runners, erased, code geass, death note, monster, Boku no hero academia, one piece, azumanga daioh, banana fish, re:zero, steins:gate, Hunter x Hunter, mob psycho
This list will keep you at the edge of your seat for a year
Yeah these were just way way better cars
I have to say is this is clearly the closest gaming has come to a sequel to Chrono trigger
It’s maybe my fav series in gaming. Kiryu is so much better than ichiban
Best response
I want to throw a shout out to the site that cloned the old Google reader by making theoldreader.com